Chapter 1

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I know what your thinking when you hear my name. Annabel Lestrange. Yes Bellatrix, the killer of Sirius Black and many others is indeed my sister. I am a part of the noble house of Black and I am proud of it. In fact I think it was a good thing my sister got rid of that imbecile. Sirius Black. He knew to much, so he was eliminated. He was the only one besides Bella that is still living or were living that new of my existent and true identity.Polyjuice Potion is very useful. Now their both dead. It was a shame Bella died. She was helping a great cause. Well what do the muggles say? Oh yeah, "the show must go own." Well that's how it is now. I'll deal with Molly Weasley first though. The plan has waited 19 years. The plan that was born on May 2nd 1988. The plan that nearly died that night. If I had fought then it probably would have. There is one family still loyal to the plan. The Malfoys. Yes, yes. They will be a big part in it. Especially Draco's son. He may not know it yet but his son going to Hogwarts may be just what we've been waiting for the past 19 years. But first let me deal with that swine that killed Bella. Molly Weasley.

Sorry guys. I know it's really short but I didn't want to give you too much info. How is it? Good idea? The next chapter will be great though! Who is Annabel?

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