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Me and cash were doing delivery's and were waiting for the next one when chook walked up to us.
"Ohh. Its the kid! And his gorgeous girlfriend. Hows it going guys? All good, ascay?"
"Yeah, ace, all right"
"Haven't seen you two much since the rammy."
"Oh, nah. We've just been looking after nan. Shes been a bit sick, so" I just nodded along.
"Sick of sucking your dick" on of the others said.
"Go to the car" Chook got rid of them. "You all good?"
"Yeah, eetswa."
"What time do you knock off? You guys want to, uh.. come chill at the station?"
"Nah we cant. Nan has an appointment"
"Another time eh?"
"Yeah, for sure"
"Shot. Bye you two"

"Uh is your nan okay?"
"Oh! Uh, yeah. Yeah, shes fine. Theres no appointment"
"Oh, so were fibbing to the boys now"
"Uh, well, i was, i was wondering if mabye you wanted to hang?"
"Im gonna go get ready to go. Bye darren" and I left. Fucking finally. Cash has been in love with Darren for years.

I was walking to school with Darren and quinni, when amerie ran up behind us, making Darren freak out

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I was walking to school with Darren and quinni, when amerie ran up behind us, making Darren freak out.
"Where have you been all my life?"
"I took a self-care day."
"Good for you. I could use one of those"
"Thanks. I went to the beach, had some fish and chips had some sex."
"Your girl dropped the v plates. Do i look different? Am i glowing"
"No. But you do have a cornflake on your shirt"
"Who with"
"Wait let me guess"
"Malakai" She cut me off
"I fucking knew it!"
"Twenty four hours ago you swore you would never touch a dick again."
"And here you are. Proud of you ams."

"Ew. The school is back on its gay shit."
"Its not serious tho. I think were both just gonna keep it chill" as if on cue, we spotted malakai stood with a bunch of flowers
"Wow. Super chill ams." I laughed

"Flowers. Thats super het"
"What did you say?"
"I made some kind of whale call. I dont know what to do"
"I think you should go for it ams. Hes nice" I didnt know him well but he was a good guy.
"I'll go for it, when you go for it with ant."
"I would but he hasnt asked"
"Wait you and ant?" Darren asked, confused
"Well were getting like really close and i like him. And i think he likes me. Oh, and we had sex at dustys party."
"Whys it not on the map" quinni asked
"I dont know but im glad its not. I mean last time i was on the map i got slut shamed loads. Anyway, were talking about amerie not me."
"Well atleast invite him to my pres tomorrow. Then see"
"Do we need to get some.."
"Yes. Caps all the way"
"Do you want me to bring cash?" I asked winking at Darren.
"You like cash!" Finally someone figured it out.
"Oh snap."
"When did this happen"
"A while ago. I dont know whats going on."
"I'll bring him and you can see"
"Oh. Cash, my eshay baby" ams teased. We just walked to class with them teasing eachother.

We all went to slts early, to keep amerie company while she set up.
"Amerie, immy. Your things are on the map."
"Fucks sake."
"Why? No one even cares about the map. Who came up with that irrelevant shit anyway?"
"Atleast the hookups on here are legit and not ones you made up in your dreams."

I sat in my normal spot, and cash came in late of course.
"Oh hello douglas. Do you wanna come to darrens for pres before mardi gras?"
"Yeah i would imogen"

"Alright peeps, pipe down"
"Oh, shit. Five-0. Shelve your pingers you two" spider said pointing at us.
"Shelve your kiddie porn, rock spider."
"Fuckin love you man" I said laughing, and spider flipped us off.

"We have two verry special guests speaking with you all today. Im told mr peterson is a regular visiter at the school, and will run you all through some workshops."
"Thank you. Hi, everyone, im kurt peterson. And this is constable paul perry. So im a former police officer. And believe it or not, many moons ago, i was a student here at heartly high. So after i graduated, i decided to join the police force where i served for over ten years until injury forced me out." Darren put their hand up
"Did you injure yourself from over policing a marginalised comunity?"
"No i tripped on a fence."
"Imagine!" I shouted, making averyone laugh and miss woodsy give me a dirty look.
"Right, so, um, were gonna split the class in two. Girls come with me and boys go with constable perry."
"How progressive" I hugged cash and left.

"This program is a young woman's survival guide. We call it ... rack off. Sexual assault is a sad reality for far too many yound women. And rack off is designed to equip you with the resources and knowledge to assist in proventing it."

"So now you know the psychology of an offender, their selection process.. its time to learn how to get them to.. rack off. Uh, so now im going to demonstrate some simple self defence moves that you can practice on eachother. So who wants to be a volunteer" I tried to hide behind people but of course he picked me.

"So a man has a strong grip on you. You cant pull down or back, but the weakest part of the grip is the thumb. So you need to cross grip." I couldn't focus. I started getting flashbacks to when I was alone with a certain eshay. I clenched my hands into tight fists. And I punched him. Hard.
"You just punched me!" And I ran. I got my bag and walked past all the boys, who were doing push ups.

Ants pov

I was watching spider do push ups, when I saw her. She looked scared. I nudged cash and he looked at me
"What?" She was gone.
"Follow me" we left, and walked to where she went. She was on a bench crying.

Immys pov

I ran to a bench and sat down. I started crying my eyes out. I was scared. I felt like I was with him again. Then I saw my two favourite boys. My brother and my crush. Of course they had to see me.
"Immy what happened?" They sat either side of me.
"I was doing the task and i got called to demonstrate. But i started getting flashbacks and i freaked out" I explained quickly.
"Flashbacks to what?" Cash asked. I never told him. I couldn't.
"What did chook do immy"
I shook my head "please immy. Its just us." I looked at both of them. They looked so worried. I put my head down.
"He raped me cash" I started crying
"What" I didnt say anything "how many times?"
"Three" I was so ashamed. I should have saved myself.
"Shit ims. Why didnt you tell me?"
"I couldnt. How could i let that happen?"
"Its not your fault immy" ant said, pulling me into a hug. I just clung to him, leaning against him. "Your okay."

We were back in class and I sat with cash, holding his hand.
"Um... tell me something you all learnt in here today"
"Immy can throw a hard punch"
"Wait who did immy punch" ant asked
"The cop" sasha answered
"Well, i learnt that all it takes is ten thousand steps to become a tank"

"Wait you guys didnt get the sexual assault thing we did?" Sasha asked the boys. They all shook their heads.
"Thats fucking bullshit!" I shouted
"We dont need it, all right? We are all feminists here, yeah?"
"Coming from the guy who takes every chance he gets to say disgusting things about women?" I ignored the rest of class. I was so done with today.

Yet again, me and cash were doing deliveries, when we ran into chook and all them. Cash put his hand out for me, he knew it made me feel safe.
"Whats happening lad."
"Fuck all, bro"
"Hi immy"
"Hey chook"
"Wheres my kombucha?"
"I forgot"
"Lad, hey? Go and get it, you little rat. How did you go with that shit from the earch?"
"Oh, yeah. It was hectic, bro."
"The fuck are you saying, bro? You sound like a meth head.  What happened?"
"I havent been able to sell it yet,  bro."
"What do you mean? A few unaipons worth there, mate."
"Someone racked it."
"Did you get robbed?"
"No. I had it at nans and i moved it because demons was patrolling. Like you said, and i put it on the roof of heartly, but someone staunched it. I'll get it back for you, brother. Fully. Few here now for you."
"I want the rest. The fuck is this?"
"I said lemon" and he trew it at the poor boy.
"There out of lemon. That aint his fucking fault" I spoke up
"You staunching me?" He punched me in the face, cutting my lip and hitting my nose really hard.
"Woah leave her alone!" Cash tried to save me but chook grabbed him by the neck
" I'll curb stomp you right here. Don't think that I won't." And he punched cash before leaving.

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