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A ship of dread floated through Paradise, a low humming ran through the island as bats circled it doing their usual rounds of the island. In the different sections of the ship stood different types of people. In a chapel in the south of the island  a man with a tiger mouth was thinking to himself, asking if he would ever find his one true love. Then in the depths of the castle at the centre of the island a mad man laughed heartily as he was experimenting on a corpse whilst laughing "FOS FOS FOS FOS!". Moving onwards in the master room of the castle a massive bloated man lied snoring whilst a group of bats flew through the window landing on a perch making a fluttering noise. The giant man's eyes opened at this and a grin formed on his face "KISHISHISHI, MY BRICK BATS GATHER MY CREW WE HAVE A GAME TO PLAY!" The man laughed loudly.

Meanwhile in a pink room with a giant bed sat a pink haired woman with a red parasol leaning on her shoulder. She was looking in the mirror with her black eyes as she was brushing her pink hair with a black hairbrush. She was humming to herself as she tied her long hair into twin tails before slipping her feet (which were in black and white stripped stockings) into her red boots. "HOROROROROROR, You're looking beautiful as always today Perona." She laughed to herself as she picked her parasol up and started twirling it in the air, still humming the creepy tune which she would always hum whenever in a good mood.
As the joyful girl continued to dance with the soft smile on her face a massive shadow looked over her from the corner of her room "KISHISHISHI Perona come to my bedroom at once. We have some hunting to do" The Doppelman cried before exploding into a cloud of bats.
The previous soft smile on Perona's face then turned into a wide psychotic one as she happily skipped out of her room, leaving behind a giant zombie that looked like a messed up teddy bear.

As the rest of the Mysterious Four made it to their captains quarters the pale giant chuckled. "There seems to be a stowaway who washed on board, therefore the hunt shall begin. The usual rules apply, whoever finds the person decides what happens to them and gains full control of them during their time on the island." Gecko Moria reminded his crew as a group of bats formed a number three in the sky, they then turned to two, then to one and as the bats formed a zero a horn blasted throughout all of Thriller Bark. Quickly, in hopes that the stowaway was a hot woman, Absolom charged out of the room heading to the north of the island. Next Hogback clicked his fingers as all the zombies on the island mobilised, searching around the island frantically for the person who washed ashore. Finally Perona sent to the south of the island some of her Horo Horo no Mi ghosts who swiftly found an unconscious male laying down in the sand of the lower half of Thriller Bark. "The man is mine Captain." Perona chuckled as she hopped out the room, leaving her captain to send out a Doppelman to Absolom and Hogback letting them know the game was over.

As (Y/N) opened his eyes slowly he found himself on a large pink bed, it had seemed like he was hastily dragged on the foot of the bed due to the position he was in and as he got up to his feet a laugh echoed throughout the room. "HOROROROR!" The light voice laughed as appearing in front of him was Perona who smirked at him as their eyes met.
"Are...are you the one who saved me?" The man asked, before looking at his surroundings noticing the dreary feeling of the room.
"Saved you isn't exactly the right word, now let's make this quick. Moria promised me your shadow after this is done." The woman smirked, confusing the male as a ghost with a derpy face appeared in front of him.
"Thank you for saving me." He said in a low monotone voice as the ghost shot forward going through the man who stayed in the same position giving the same dead look at Perona whos eyes narrowed at the man who was standing at him.
"Negative Hollow." She whispered so the man couldn't hear him as another ghost flew through them, still resulting in nothing.
"What's with these ghosts?" He asked looking down at where the ghost went through his body.
"They...were checking for any problems in your body." Perona slowly said, her voice dropping to a low tone as she lied through her teeth.
"It'd be better if I had problems in my body." The man muttered as Perona realised something.
"You...the reason you were floating in the sea, may I ask it?" She asked as a nervous smile formed on her face and a bead of sweat travelled down her forehead, something she would consider 'not cute'.
"I...I was a marine...we just lost a battle against a group of pirates, we were told we would be severly punished for this and I...I couldn't stand this world anymore..." He slowly said, sorrow tainted his voice even though no tears left his eyes.
"I...I need to see someone, please stay here!" Perona exclaimed, her fears was true...her powers wouldn't work on this person...she needed to see her captain!

The man who washed up was immune to her negative hollow...for they already felt the most negativity anyone could...They were depressed.

I'll be the one (Perona x Depressed Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now