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Beatriz walked with Mia, sunglasses on her face as they entered the public archives to look at the records. Beatriz placed the glasses onto the top of her head, looking up at the ceiling. It was the architecture in her that couldn't stop looking at the beauty that was Rio de Janeiro. If only she had more time to explore the country, but at the moment, stealing 100 million was the goal. One day she'd be back to explore and look into the beautiful culture. Beatriz followed Mia, "So, we're gonna need the blueprints and any information we can find for the military police." Bea kept her voice low as she walked next to Mia.

Mia nodded. "Where do we start?"

Beatriz looked around. "We might have to ask somebody." Bea excused herself, walking over to one of the employees who was already helping someone. She waited patiently until it was her turn. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I can locate the blueprints? I'm looking for a specific one for my grandfather." Bea lied, a bright smile on her face.

A sentence ran through her head as she smiled, something her grandmother told her, "Your beauty will charm anyone." It worked to her advantage on multiple occasions. She knew that she was attractive and at this moment, it was working just as it had in the past.

The employee was young, probably first job out of university. He stammered over his words before pointing in the direction of the blueprints. Beatriz thanked him before walking back over to Mia, linking arms with her. "This way."

Mia glanced back at the employee. "I think he nearly passed out." Beatriz just shrugged as she opened the door to the room that held all the blueprints. Beatriz just hoped that the blueprint wasn't too big or they wouldn't be able to get the hell out of there with the main copy. Beatriz and Mia split off, looking around for building blueprints for Rio. "What's the building name again?"

"Intendência Geral da Polícia Militar."

"Found it." Beatriz pushed the blueprint back into place on the shelf before she walked over to Mia. She was holding up the blueprint when Bea approached. She unrolled it to make sure she found the right one. "Well, that's interesting." Mia turned the blueprint to Bea, showing her what she saw.

Bea held the edge, looking down at the vault that was within the building. "Very interesting." Beatriz rolled her eyes. It wasn't like she didn't already know that Reyes was corrupt, if he was keeping his money safe in the police station, she knew something had to be there. Beatriz made Mia roll out more of the blueprint to look at the date. "The vault has only been there for the past ten years, it has to be his backup plan in case things go south with the cash houses." Bea commented.

"Like somebody settin' several thousands of dollars on fire?" Mia asked.

"That would do it." Bea smirked. Mia rolled the blueprint back up. "Okay, we'll need to hide that well, 'cause I don't see a copier anywhere and I don't feel like putting together a puzzle when we get back." Beatriz said.

Mia just smiled. "Just flirt with that guy, I'll walk out without him even noticing."

"First, let's see if we can find any documents about the station." Bea said.

Mia's plan worked just as she imagined. She was able to walk right out of the archives with the blueprints and any other information they found. Bea and Mia made their way back to the warehouse, goodies in hand. As soon as they arrived back, the team gathered together at the large table to look over the blueprints.

Mia rolled out the blueprint, showing off what Beatriz and Mia found. The team stood around, looking at the new information they were given. Brian took one look at the blueprint, pointing out the vault right away like they did. "This is where he's keepin' the mony. The vault in the evidence room." Brian stated.

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