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Archer was pulling Ramsey back. "No, Ramsey, don't! Don't make me go in there!" Archer tried her hardest to make sure the team didn't go to this specific shop, but out of everyone in England, London in particular, he was the only one who could get them the goods they needed. Hell, he probably could get them a tank if they paid high enough.

"I'm sorry, Archer, but we gotta go to him."

"Wait, we gonna find military-grade gear in the middle of London?" Roman asked.

"You said you wanted to shop off the grid." Ramsey said.

Min Woo looked at Archer. "And why is she acting like this?"

"The guy who runs it is her ex-boyfriend."

Archer huffed. "I'd use the word boyfriend loosely." She crossed her arms. "We slept together a couple of times."

Ramsey shot her a look. "You call sleeping together for three years not a relationship?" She asked.

"It was never anything but sex, okay?" Archer looked inside, seeing Bowie at this desk. "I can't go in there. I'm gonna stay out here." Archer moved away from the team, letting them deal with Bowie on their own. She didn't need to see him again after several years.

Ramsey rolled her eyes, pushing open the door to the office. The bell chimed above their heads. "Wait a second. Did we just time travel?" Tej asked, looking around at the old styled computer shop.

"Would you look for a black-market operation in a place like this?" Ramsey questioned.

Min Woo looked around at everything. "Why do I feel old? Those monitors look just as old as I am?" He asked. Beatriz patted his shoulder in passing. "Hey!" Min Woo was offended by Triz's lack of sympathy. She threw a smirk over her shoulder at him. Han wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side.

Ramsey walked over to the desk, tapping against the top to get her friend's attention. "What's up, Bowie420?" Ramsey said.

"Oh shit. FreddieMerc?" The team gave Ramsey a confused look about her username that was apparently on the dark web somewhere.

"What?" Ramsey questioned. "I had a life before you knew me. Archer too."

Bowie grinned and waved at the team. "Is Archer here?" Ramsey looked towards the windows, seeing Archer ducking down under them. She looked back at Bowie, shaking her head and saying no.

"Bowie here runs one of the most notorious online black markets. If you want it, he'll sell it." Ramsey said.

Bowie nodded. "I thought you didn't like that about me though." He pointed out.

"Well, desperate times."

"What kind of muffins are these?" Han questioned. Beatriz shot Han a look – as much as she loved his snacking, sometimes they really got her nerves.

"Oh, those are fun muffins. You have like four of 'em, you'll be in your underwear watching Fantasia." Bowie said.

Beatriz rubbed the back of her neck. "The 420 in your name makes sense." She muttered, crossing her arms. Han slowly put the muffin down, having no desire to get high. 

"Is that what you guys came for? My muffins? Oh, it's gonna be a muffin party?" Bowie asked.

Min Woo should have stayed outside with Archer because he was getting serious strange vibes from his guy.

Ramsey cleared her throat. "We, uh, we need transport. Weapons, cars, the works. And quietly." Ramsey stated.

"Cool, then I'm just gonna need cash." Bowie said. "None of that crypto stuff."

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