Skipping the Boredom

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𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣. 𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙣. 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙪𝙥.

Slowly, he rolled out of bed, trying to wake himself up. Second day of school, hurrah! Oh, god. He couldn't wait 'till it was all over again. 

Readying himself, Ringo grabbed some breakfast and started to head to school. When he got there, he met John. 

"Heya, mate," he greeted him. "How was yer' first day in total?"

John shrugged. "Normal. Mrs. Stevenston gave a shit ton of homework though. Three pages, i'm not even lying." 

Ringo cringed. "Damn, hope you get out of that."

"I always do," John laughed, slinging his arm around Ringo's shoulders. "Hav'ya seen Paulie round 'ere?" 

Ringo shook his head. "Nah. Y'know that boy, always makin' out with random gals." 

John rolled his eyes. The duo made their way over to the gates of the school, waiting for their friend.

After a few minutes of waiting for Paul, and having no sign of him, John spotted another one of their friends, Stu. His real name was Stuart, but all his friends called him "Stu".

"Aye, I'll be right back Rings," John murmured to him. He patted the shorter boy's shoulder and slipped off into the crowd, leaving Ringo by himself. 

Really, John? Ringo raised an eyebrow. Ugh, now he was stuck waiting for Paul by himself. He wondered what was so important to John that he would leave Ringo by himself. 

Well, looking at the steady stream of kids coming in the gates, he figured Paul was probably sick or something. 

He ended up looking through the crowd for a few more moments, trying to see above the taller student's heads. 

Stop it, Ritch. He scolded himself.

He was looking for a certain someone, and he knew it. 

Was he maybe a bit intimidated by Ringo after yesterday? Or did he think that Ringo was stupid? 

Probably the latter, Ringo thought with burning cheeks.

And, oh, there he was. 

Ringo's heart seized up, and he clambered down immediately from a little outcropping he was perching on.

Fuck, did he see me? Most likely. Ringo wondered. 

Well, that didn't matter. He should probably just find John. No need for another run in. He made his way over to Stu and John, also towards a corner of the school's façade. 

"Heya, girls. What's up?" 

"Nothin, Starkey." Stu grinned. "Get over here." 

He pulled the boy in for a quick hug. "Been a while since I've seen you, damn. Let me guess- ye grew an inch over break?" 

Ringo wrinkled his nose as John and Stu burst into laughter. "Ah, shaddup," he smiled though.

Stu and Ringo hadn't been in contact much over the summer, as Stu went down to Paris for a few weeks. So, it, had indeed, been a while since they had met. 

"I didn't see ya' yesterday, Stu." Ringo noted as the three of them headed into the building. Ringo told John he didn't see Paul at all. The younger shrugged and they turned, deciding not to wait further.

 "Yeah," he sighed. "I got placed in some advanced classes, so most of my classes aren't even in the same hallway."

"No shit. Ain't no way this motherfucker got placed in numerous advanced classes," Ringo laughed, poking John. 

"Words of wisdom, my son." John chuckled. 

"Ah, c'mon. Cut me some slack!" Stu whined, leaning onto Ringo. He had to adjust his position to support the two of them, since he was smaller than him. 

"I'm good," Ringo shoved him off, smirking.

As the three of them walked down the hall, the bell rung. It sounded throughout the hallway, interrupting their conversation.

"Aw shit. Better book it to class or Mister Wilson is gonna' be mad pissed at us lot," John groaned. 

"All too true. See ya, Stu!" Ringo called to the boy, waving as he turned to get to homeroom. 

When the bell had long since rung, Ringo decided he wanted to just skip homeroom. It was boring as watching paint dry, and the fact the class was a forty minute block wasn't nice either. 

"Mr. Wilson?" Ringo raised his hand, leaning on his elbow with his other arm. 

He looked up from his desk, spotting Ringo. "Yes, Richard?" 

"Can I use the loo?" 

"Go ahead." he motioned out the door. 

"I'm skipping, by the way." he whispered to John as he stood from the desk. 

John nodded. He was busy scribbling down some notes from a textbook on paper.

He slipped out of the classroom, enjoying the feeling of the deserted hallways. He didn't really want to use the restroom, so he just wandered around for a while. 

He did a few loops around his own year level hallway, then moved to the older student's one. Homerooms were scattered about the school at random, so the chance of seeing anyone was quite high. 

He was feeling quite thirsty, so he decided to get some water from a fountain at the front of the school.  All of his stuff was put away for the time being, so he didn't necessarily have to go back to Mr. William's class.

As he turned the corner he almost ran into someone- again! What was up with everyone wanting to run into him?

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, then stopped when he saw George. Not ideal.

"My bad, don't worry about it." George muttered back. He continued on his way, not looking up at Ringo a single time.

Ringo watched him go, curious. 

"Hey, George." he called. 

George's steps seemed to stutter, as if his brain wouldn't believe that Ringo of all people had said his name. He turned after a moment. 

"What?" He scowled. 

"I- er, I was just asking, what are you doing over 'ere? Shouldn't ye' be in homeroom?" 

"Skipping. Homeroom sucks arse." He responded hastily, only having a light frown on his face. He was probably curious, now.

Surprised, Ringo raised his brows. "Oh, lay it on me. Homeroom is the worst class. If you can even call it a class. I didn't know you had it in you, Harrison."

George rolled his eyes, a hint of a smile on the corner of his lips. 

Stop staring at him. 

"Well, now you know I do. See you round, Richard," he said. George spun and left, 

Well, Ringo didn't normally like when people called him by his normal name. Teachers- of course he let it slide. How could he tell them to shut the fuck up and just call him by the nickname everyone else called him by? He couldn't.

But, now, having his first normal interaction with George, and the boy called him "Richard"? 

His stomach churned, and he turned to leave, a dazed smile on his face. 

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