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Surprise I live!!!! Did you miss me? Yeah you did bc I'm your favorite Ducky 🐤 I hope you enjoy this chapter

No one's POV

As Dabi and Hawks made their way towards Hawk's apartment. Mirko helped Y/N shower and get into some comfortable pj's. Rumi sat behind Y/N softly brushing her hair "I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Wanna get something to eat and watch a movie?" Y/N nodded her head. she knew that Rumi was trying to make her feel better, but she still felt the hole that was burned through her heart. As Dabi and Hawks grew closer Dabi was feeling nervous. He questioned if Y/N would even want to see him or even let him hold her in his arms once more. Hawks pat Dabi's shoulder "She'll forgive you don't worry." Dabi frowned "But do I deserve her forgiveness?" "That's for her to decide Dabi."

*Small Time Skip*


I sat on the living room couch with Rumi as we watched the office. "Hey Y/N what do you imagine me looking like in your head?" I turned to her voice "I may not be able to see but I think my imagination knows what you look like pretty much, we've been friends for year Rumi I know everything about you. I may not know what you look like exactly but you're beautiful" I felt Rumi pull me into a hug and I nuzzled into her neck. I heard the front door and felt her body stiffen and hold me in place "HAWKS WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?" Her yelling made my body go jagged "Rumi." Hawks sounded on edge only making me more scared. I started releasing slight panicked pheromones I pulled away from her and a familiar scent hit my nose. My head turned quickly in the direction of his scent "Hi Doll" his voice sounded like honey to my ears. I stood making my way towards him stopping when I felt his presence infrount of me. I reached my hand to his cheek before slapping him hard "I deserved that." My fist balled as they repeatedly met his chest as I sobbed "You left! You left me!" My voice broke as I sobbed harder "I know my love and I am so sorry. I here and I'm not going anywhere." Dabi pulled me into him, his calming pheromones made me relax and I nuzzled into his neck. I missed him like a fish misses the water. "How do I know that you aren't gonna do this to her again?" Rumi's voice sounded cautious "Rumi give him a chance." Hawks pronounced "No Hawks me and you had to take care of HIS omega while he left her. I have a right to ask." She argued. Dabi sighed "Mirko I didn't know that Shiggy was gonna leave her. I know that my leaving caused her pain, It hurt me as well, and if I could take it back I would. I will never leave her side again, hell I would even let you kick my ass if it proved to you that I would do anything for her." I nuzzled into Dabi more lightly purring in his arms (omegas make purring noises when happy, comfortable, ect.) Rumi sighed "Fine. But I'm watching you and if you take one step out of line you better watch your back." I felt Dabi nodded and Rumi left after saying goodbye.

They are together again!!! Woooh!! do you guy want a reunion with Shiggy as well or no? It's gonna get spicy in the next chapter 😉 so be prepared. As always forgive any spelling mistakes. Here is you Chapterly Meme

Until next chapter my little gremlins

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Until next chapter my little gremlins.
~ Ducky 🐤

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