Chapter 5

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The Loud family was enjoying a peaceful evening. Some brainstormed ideas to spend time with Lincoln while others were relaxing. However, when they saw the news, their peaceful evening went differently.

"A runaway truck crashed into the Royal Woods Mall parking lot at high speed. According to medical officials, the driver suffered a stroke which triggered a seizure. His foot was lodged on the accelerator pedal, and he was unable to steer or stop his vehicle properly," the male newscaster announced.

"A recent video relating to the event has gone viral," the female newscaster added before playing the video, "Local hero Lincoln dashed out of the mall and pulled his older sister Leni out of harm's way to safety before colliding with the runaway truck."

The sisters' jaws dropped when they saw the footage of Lincoln saving Leni. They were speechless. Then Leni got Lori's text saying they were on their way home. Everyone engulfed them in a group hug as soon as Lincoln and Leni walked through the front door.

"Oh my god! Are you guys okay? We saw the news!" Luan said in a worried tone.

"That was insane! I can't believe that actually happened!" Luna stated.

"I know! My hand is still shaking from that! Everything happened so fast!" Leni responded with her pupils so small they were barely visible.

Lynn lifted Lincoln up in a bear hug, "Lincoln! You were amazing! Way to hustle! Great job, bro!"

Lola and Lana hugged Lincoln by his legs and waist, "You're a hero!"

"The whole news talking about it! It's crazy! That video already has ten million views!" Luan stated, holding her phone.

Lincoln groaned a heavy sigh while clapping his hand to his forehead and hung his head down.

"Lincoln, honey, how about you lie down on the couch for a bit, okay?" Lori suggested.

Lincoln collapsed on the couch while rubbing his forehead and moaning.

"You okay, little bro? I kinda feel like that's a dumb question, but I still need to ask," Luna questioned.

"I don't know how to answer that, Luna. Leni was almost killed, and I saved her only by a nose-hair. I'm being sprayed all over the news, so goodbye privacy, and I'm so hungry that I literally only have water in my stomach. You can hear it swishing around in my belly," Lincoln explained.

He moved his lower torso around to make a swishing sound that could be heard. All his sisters' eyes and Bobby's eyes widened at that, with their pupils shrunken.

"Yeah, we came straight home after the truck incident, so we didn't get a chance to go to Gus's Games and Grub to eat," Leni said.

"No wonder he's starving," Bobby added.

"Okay, stay here, Link. I'm going to make you dinner and for you guys as well. Luan, where's that's family-size box of mac & cheese?" Luna asked.

"Uh, it should be in the pantry. I'm gonna check the frig to make sure we have enough milk and butter," Luan answered as she followed her to the kitchen.

Lucy lay her head resting on Lincoln's heart.

"Sigh . . . your heart is beating hard. You've been through a lot of stress," Lucy stated as she listened to Lincoln's heart.

"Why wouldn't he? He stared death in the face," Lynn stated with her hands on her hips.

Leni lay on Lincoln with her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him. Lincoln's chin was on her hair, and he wrapped his arms around her.

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