What the hell did you do to her?

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-picture of Amy-




"Emma please wake up"

I could hear the same guys voice I hear in the bathroom before I blacked out.

I had no energy at all to open my eyes. I couldn't move at all I felt like I was stuck.

"Emma please open your eyes show me those big Beautiful brown eyes please Emma" I hear crying

Someone took my hand and was rubbing softy on it.

The door opened an more people came in.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER" a guys voice screams so loud it hurt badly.

"I was the one who fond her!"the guys voice was filled with anger. I know that voice but who does it belong to.

"Guys not in front of her" an voice told the to guys that where yell at the top of their lungs

The dark slowly took over me once again.


I was walking with my friends down the hall to lunch when I hear a girl crying out for help. I looked around not seeing anyone.

"Hey I'll catch you guy later" I told the guys.

"See yeah"

"Going to get some"

"No fights"

I heard my friends yell after me.

I walked over to the girls bathroom.

"Your hurting me" a girl yelled in pain

"Good bitch" the queen bitch of the school yelled at the poor girl.

I walked in and pulled Lizzie of the poor girl and yelled

"What the hell is going on in here"

Emma the girl that was being strangled by Lizzie fell to the ground her eyes went out like a light.

She looked like she wasn't breathing.
The angry grew like fire in me I pushed Lizzie to the wall like she had done to Emma and yell with everything I had at her.

"Look here bitch Touch her ever again and I will..." I got cut off by the bitch

"Or what? Cat got you tongue?"

"You don't want to know what I'll do to you" I yelled

"Whatever leave the loser let go have so really fun" the nasty lilttle bitch wouldn't get the hint

"Get out now"

I pulled her out of the bathrooms and slammed the door in her face.
I ran back to Emma checking her pulse. Okay she's okay.


I shook her softly

She didn't move so I picked her up bridal style taking her to my car to drive her to the hospital sense we don't have any kind of nurse or anything at school.

I pulled the car door open and put her in gently. I buckled her up so she wouldn't get hurt if we got in a car accident.

I got in the drives said and started the car we got to the hospital pretty fast.

I was praying that she would be okay the hole way there.

As soon as we got there I got her in the hospital and made them get her in a room.

I was pacing the waiting room thinking

What if she hit her head to hard when she fell?

What if she doesn't remember anything?

What if she doesn't make it?

I pull out her phone when she fall she dropped it and I put it in my pocket to keep safe.

I turned it on and tried to figure the password on her phone

I tried ten times it hasn't worked then I tried her birth date. It worked
Don't even ask me how I know her birth date. And no I'm not a starker.

I got in her contacts to find 7 missed calls two from Colton, two from Ethan, one from Amy, one from Daniel and one from Liam. All of her brothers must be worried sick. I would if it was my sister. I called Daniel the oldest on her phone.
It ran twice before he answered


"Emma where are you Amy said see hasn't seen you sense lunch"

"It's Seth Daniel bro you need to come down to the hospital with your brothers now"

"What's going on Seth is she okay"

"I don't know man just get down here as soon as you can"

"I'm on my way now"


"Who is here for miss Grace" that's Emma's last name I stood up waiting for what the doctor would tell me.

"She's got a concussion and a couple broken ribs she hit her head pretty hard I would not be surprised if she's out for couple days."

"Thank you can I see her"

"Yes she is in room 126"

"Thank you again"

"Just doing my job" the doctor left after that

I walked down the hall looking for room 126.




I stopped at 126 ready for my worst nightmare. I slowly open the door.

There she was laying there on the bed lifeless. She is so pale almost like a ghost. She had dried tear stains on her cheeks.

There was a bump on her head from where she fell.



"Emma please wake up"

"Emma please open you eyes show me Big beautiful brown eyes please Emma"i started to let my tears fall

I took her small cold hand in my big one. I rubbed circle with my thumb in a calming way.

The door open fast and all her bothers came in.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER" her brother Ethan screamed at me

"I was the one who fond her" my anger stared to grow even more.

"Guys not in front of her" Daniel growled


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