Part 6: A somewhat Interrogation

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Aizawa sat him down in an interrogation room they for some reason had and Nezu watched through the security cameras. "What now?" he groaned, he could tell the mouse was watching them and that annoyed him. "I want answers and no you aren't being released back into the public" Izuku flipped him off, "Fuck you" Aizawa rolled his eyes however, until he found out more on Bunny's identity, he had really nothing against him. He always kept his hood up and mask on, his identity unknown, well not maybe to Bakugo since they seem to know each other personally or by the fact he knew about some deal he made with the league. 

He mumbled something under his breath and rolled his eyes, "Fucking fine, nothing personal or about my identity, I want you and the dumb Heroes to figure it out yourselves without having help" he told him, and he sighed, "Fine just answer the questions I ask" he pursed his lips and submitted into the interrogation. "Whatever" he grumbled, and he went on his way. "Fine, first question, what's your relationship with Katsuki Bakugo?" he asked and Izuku frowned, "I said nothing personal" he told him, "He's not you, how is he a part of personal information?" he questioned him as Izuku groaned, "He fucking knows me!" now this was interesting, "How?" he deflated, "Katsuki knows me from childhood, he knows my real identity before I even became Ghost Bunny. I grew up with him, still am, he won't tell you what my real name is because either I won't let him or I'll congratulate him on that stubborn attitude he's got and trust me he's no different from his mother, lovely woman who's a bit dense in some areas but still great all the same" he explained, "He also knows how I turned out the way I did. I don't trust Heroes, maybe the real ones but definitely not the fakes. You happen to be a real Hero so at the moment I sorta trust you but not enough to give you my backstory, he also was there the same day I came to hate Heroes to where I attack any who touch me" something seemed odd, what exactly caused him to hate Heroes so much? Much less, how did it turn the two boys so different. 

"What did you mean by fake or real Heroes?" he questioned again, somewhat skipping over the previous conversation. "Simple, there is Corruption within the Hero ranks" he told him simply, crossing his arms. How-- "I'm not dumb, Aizawa. I have hacking skills whether it helps with a Hacking Quirk or it's just pure skill, I know how to look up shit and I know how to observe. I also happen to be an Analyst. You can ask Katsuki for clarification on that because it happens to annoy him" he grinned at that last bit. Looks like he'll need to interrogate Bakugo now. "Alright, other than him being a childhood friend what was the deal you told him about that involves the league?" he seemed to grow a bit sour at that question. 

"Technically I am not a part of the league in anyway however, I do know at least two members who are no doubt under an Alias to hide their real identity and All for One. He wants me to gather information and do things for him however, I have a knowledge that he's not going to keep his "promise" he never does" he told him, "You make it sound as if you've known the man personally" he stated narrowing his eyes as his hands remained in his pockets. "That's because I do know that bastard personally and quite honestly, I hate it that I do. Katsuki is still fuming over the fact" he told him bluntly, He raised an eyebrow, how personally did Bakugo really know Bunny exactly? "And the two members your aware of?" "Dabi and Tomura Shigaraki, why is there more of 'em?" he questioned the Hero this time, "Plenty. There's Toga Himiko, female and another called Compress, male. We believe there's others however we aren't sure since we can't find their base, do you know where it is?" he asked, "Nope not a damn clue, if I did the entire building would be on fire and I wouldn't give two fucks who's in there. Here's to hoping I actually kill All for One, but he will not make it easy, so, I need All might to take care of him for me, or have All for One kill him himself or I kill both of them" he told him, "You can't just kill the number 1 Hero" he scoffed, "Anyone can die, you just have to take advantage of their weakness. For All for One, it's the fact that while he may not have facial features, he's still powerful honestly, I forgot what his weakness was because I was avoiding him" he told the last bit of that seemingly hesitant. 

"Avoiding him?" avoiding the number 1 Villain in Japan he gets it but the way he worded it, seemed to set him on edge a bit. There was more than he was letting on. "I'd be a dumbass to go straight head on to fight him however, I am not a complete dumbass and have spent the last 6 years successfully avoiding him now I can't because I gave him a fake number to a phone, I have linked to it. Helps hide my location and where I'm currently at and I was frisked of everything when you caught me, aside from the mask and hoodie so that's one good thing you Heroes have done. My plan was to take the league out from the inside, you prevented that by capturing me. I can't stay in rehabilitation if you can even succeed in doing so. 100% positive you can't" Aizawa frowned, they'll find a way, somehow to rehabilitate him and figure out why he became a Vigilante. Naturally Bakugo is their first lead, but because he's stubborn, high chance they won't get anywhere with him. 

"Can we go back now? I need to test someone named Kirishima Eijirō" he raised a brow again, "Why exactly?" a smirk graced his lips the same damn smirk he swore he saw somewhere. "It involves Katsuki, I just need to observe the red head and thanks to my little capture," Aizawa rolled his eyes a bit, "I now have a better close up interaction to figure some shit out. Honestly, it's going to annoy Katsuki to high hell and it's going to be funny knowing how's he's a bottom and all" he snickered at that. "I feel like I should be worried for my student" Izuku perked up, "He's in class 1-A?" confused, he nodded. "Oh, this is going to be golden!" he jumped to his feet and practically ran to the door, Aizawa used his scarf and caught him before he slipped out. "Oh, come the fuck on!" he looked like a cat who was tangled in a bunch of string or yarn it was playing with. "You're under my watch and you can't just run around the school" he got a glare probably, couldn't tell since the eye holes were seemingly nonexistent but he wore the damn thing without any issues at all. 

"Ugh! Fucking fine let's go!" he sighed finding him to be an annoying problem child, maybe he is one. He released his scarf on him and walked over, Izuku ran out of the room in sight whooping down the hall.



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