Come Thru

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Inspo: Come thru- Jacquees

It was hot that day. Fourth of July 2008 and everyone was outside. Well, everyone except y/n she was standing in the bathroom mirror trying to make sure that her hair was perfect. Her sisters were already ready, and they were waiting for her to finish getting ready so she could go to the pool party they were throwing down the street.

"y/n hurry up, it's gone be dark by the time you ready." her sister grumbled. "Why you putting on jewelry and we goin to the pool?"

"Why you in my business?" y/n asked.

"Because we gone miss all the fun foolin around with you," she made a face and folded her arms over her chest.

"I promise you won't," she said.

y/n finished getting ready and went downstairs where everyone else was waiting. She, two of her sisters and her older cousin Latrice got permission from their mama's to go down to the pool for the block party that the HOA was throwing. y/n wasn't sure what an HOA was but if she was able to go to the pool without her mama hovering around then she didn't care who was throwing the party.

They walked outside and Latrice went around to her mama's car. "What you doin?" y/n asked.

"I'm 16. My mama lets me drive as long as wen not goin far." Latrice said.

It was a short walk to the pool and an even shorter drive. Latrice parked that car in the small parking lot of the neighborhood pool, and they got out. Soon as y/n flip flops touched the pavement, she looked up and there he was.

He wasn't the most popular boy in school, but that didn't matter to her. Kirsnick ball had y/n's full attention, and everyone knew that. "Damn y/n you gonna stare a hole in his face." her sister said as she walked around the car.

She was one to talk, she damn nearly dislocated her hip trying to strut in front of the boys that were out there. y/n fixed her bathing suit top and followed behind her sisters and her cousin Latrice.

They sat out there for most of the afternoon. There were too many little kids in the shallow end of the pool to enjoy that and y/n couldn't swim well enough to go into the deep end of the pool, so she spent her time sitting on the edge with her feet in the water.

"Aye Latrice!" called a voice from behind them. They all turned to see who it was, and Quavious was standing behind them, a big grin stretched across his face. Y/n's stomach dropped down to her toes, they had been picking girls up and throwing them into the pool all afternoon. y/n hoped to fly under the radar, but it seemed like her time was up.

"What you want boy?" Latrice asked. She rolled her neck and folded her arms over her chest.

"Man, chill out. I just wanted to talk to you." he said.

y/n felt like this was her chance. While they were talking to Latrice she could get up and move to the other side of the pool without getting noticed, but she was wrong as soon as she stood up another one of the boys said.

"Where you goin," he threw his arm around her shoulders and spun her around to face the pool. "You thought you was gone get away?"

"I'm not swimming," y/n said quickly.

"You got a bathing suit on," he said. He tried to push him away, but he easily lifted her from her feet.

"Stop, I can't swim." y/n balled her hands up in his shirt and held on to him tight.

"For real, she can't swim like that." Latrice said.

"Come on, it aint even that deep." he turned and swung y/n into the pool like she only weighed two pounds. She smacked the water hard, and the shock of how cold it was made her pull in a mouth full of water. She couldn't hear anything because she was under the water for what felt like forever before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, and she was brought up to the surface.

Her eyes were burning, she was choking on water, and she was sure that the impact from her hitting the water caused her to lose her bathing suit top. They lifted her up and got her on the side of the pool and she felt someone wrap a towel around her. She felt her chest and realized that she had in fact lost her bathing suit top in the water and once she was able to wipe the water from her eyes she was able to look around at what was going on.

Quavious was sitting there trying to hold in a laugh just like the rest of his friends. y/n could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. This was the worst thing ever. They threw her in the pool, and everyone watched her almost drown.

"You okay y/n?" Latrice asked.

She was about to answer when she stopped to see someone climbing out of the pool. It was kirsnick, he was soaking wet, all the way down to the shoes, that for some reason he still had on. Without a word he handed her the bathing suit top she had lost in the water.

"Thanks," she wrapped her body up with the towel and jumped to her feet. She grabbed her bathing suit top and ran back to the car.

"y/n hold on!" Latrice and y/n's sisters were trying to catch up to her.

"I'm ready to go home," I said.

"Well, I would be too if I almost died in front of half the whole school." y/n's sister said before she folded her arms over her chest again. Seriously it's like her arms here stuck in that position.

"Hey!" called a familiar voice.

y/n turned and kirsnick was walking up, shirt thrown over his shoulder and his hair I still dripping wet from jumping in the pool.

"Come on yall," Latrice said to y/n's sisters. "Give her some space."

"Did you.... jump in the pool after me?" y/n asked.

"Yeah, my cousin is an asshole. He heard you say you can't swim, and he threw you in there anyway. Enough to get all of us in trouble." he said. He took his hands and pulled all his hair together and started squeezing the water from it.

"So, you saved me so that you wouldn't get in trouble?" y/n held the towel tight around her and took a step back.

He looked up at her and smiled. "You think I was gonna let my favorite not so secret admirer drown at the block party?"

"What?" y/n asked.

"You heard me," he said giving a sly grin. "Stay out of the deep end of the pool y/n." he turned and walked away, leaving y/n standing there by the car.

Latrice walked over and leaned against the car. "yall are cute together," she said.

"Open the door trice I'm cold," y/n said with a roll of her eyes.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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