The Beginning

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Pain. That's what I'd felt. Excruciating pain. I was only three. Why had I felt that? It was a curse, a killing curse. Right? So why was I not dead? I was on the floor of Godric's Hollow, in Harry's bedroom, paralysed, staring up at the ceiling, the light swinging above my head, threatening to fall. Speaking of my head, it had been throbbing. Throbbing with unbearable pain. I was so shocked, I wasn't even crying. Just whimpering softly. 

At least that was what my godfather Remus Lupin tells me, after the fact that he ran into the house and grabbed my fragile, cold body, knowing nothing could change what had happened in the past 10 minutes. However, it's still a mystery to me as to why he left Harry there. I knew no-one knew of the existence of the famous Harry Potter's sister, not even Harry himself. The only people who knew were my parents, my best friend Alexis Raya Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. That's it. Well, me too of course, but that's obvious. 

Anyway, Harry is coming to Hogwarts soon, and Uncle Remus has told me to look after him, just keep an eye out for him. He is Harry fucking Potter after all. This brings us to the present. I'm going into third year when Harry's in his first, so I know my way around as a proud Gryffindor. I was nearly a Slytherin though, which scared me half to death. A Potter, a Slytherin?? Outrageous! Unheard of! I'd be a disgrace to my name, whether people knew I carried it or not. 

But luckily, I'm not called Gabriella Potter in school, Professor Dumbledore made sure of that, I'm simply Emily Lupin, since everyone sees me go home with my godfather every holiday, so we've made up that he's my father. Everyone believes it, since we are so close, so it's a good cover. 

Although, in first year, we sometimes forgot and Alexis almost called me Gabby but quickly covered her mouth, luckily we were in our dorm alone as our roommate was in the bathroom having a shower. We'd both started cackling, but in all seriousness, I'd looked around after it happened, scared someone had heard. If they had, they had been smart enough to not tell anyone, or confront me, so I was fine, and we'd just gotten over it. Either way, they'd just be confused as to why Alex was calling me Gabby and not Em or Emily, since there was no last name mentioned.

We learnt our lesson though, and made sure to never make any slip ups. By now, the name Gabriella or Gabby sounds weird to hear, and to be called, since I'm so used to Emily. 

But only recently, the nightmares have started. The same one every time. A blood-curdling scream, a flash of green, and my head throbbing, my half dead body on the ground, my deep red hair scattered across my face. The weird thing is, it goes from my perspective, to a child's. A child in a crib, to be more specific. Harry. He watched our parents die, but was too young to understand it, so just sat there, shrieking. He only goes silent when a face is shoved into his eyeline. Voldemort. You-know-who. Whatever the fuck you want to call him. It was him.

He would back up, his gaze never leaving Harry's, and hold up his wand, yelling the curse that started this whole thing. A flash of green, red hair flying past, and by the time the light had dimmed, Voldemort was gone. Vanished. Never seen again. For now. 

You might be wondering about the scar, does Harry have it? Yeah, he does, but not from what everyone thinks, it was just a weirdly broken piece of wood that fell on him when I jumped in front of him to save him. The scar I got? Oh, that one's way worse. All down the right side of my face, but not red anymore, just... there. People used to ask me about it, but since I refused to give any answers, they stopped.

Hey guys I know this is a short chapter but it's mainly just the intro and an explanation. Hope you enjoy the rest though! This'll be updated slower than my other thing, only cuz I get ideas for this like once a week, write them down, then go blank. Sorry!

word count: 718 words

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