Part 2 (fighting)

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In University's cafeteria:
Jk (sitting with his friends eunwoo,soobin,kai ,jakson,beomgyu): Hey do you guy's remember today we'll get our test result?
Soobin: Result-
Jakson: Where-
Jk:Hey hey calm down guy's why are you over reacting
Eunwoo: Seriously you know about our brothers right they'll bury us alive if we fail
Jackson:Yeah he is right kookie
(I'll give you their introduction later okay!!!)
Jk:Yeah the one -
Cutts off when someone throw water in soobin's head
Jk:Yahh what the hell Jay what you want
(Jay is their enemy)
Jay: Nothing I just thought that's it's dustbin
(His minions starts laughing)
Eunwoo:Go away Jay we don't wanna fight with you now
Jay:Ohh so the baby is scared now
( and again his minions starts laughing)
Jk:Go away before I break your all bones
Jay: Wow what a nice joke (laughing)
And just then a hard punch landed on his face by non other than Jungkook
Jackson:no kookie please don't rm hyung has already warn us not to fight please don't he won't leave us this time (whispering)
Jk:no leave me let me teach him a good lesson
Eunwoo : leave him jay now
Jay(to his minions): Start beating them what are you looking at (shouts)
After that they all starts fighting like gangsters
Just then the boy ran to principal office and inform Rm about this
After sometime Rm comes and shouts
Rm:Stop it!!! what are you guys doing is it a school or a playground huh!!!(shouts)
They all stopped fighting and starts to shiver as Rm is hella strict
Rm: come with me to the principal office you all now (Stern)
(They all didn't move an inch)
Rm: Didn't you all listen!!!(shouts)
All:Y-Yes S-Sir (stuttering)
In principal's office:
Rm: Now tell me what was that (stern)
No one speak even a word
Rm:Okay so you'll will not speak right let me take my cane (stern)
Jay:N-No-N-No S-Sir he started the first (pointing at Jk)
Jk:H-huh what no I didn't he was the one who started first
Eunwoo:Yes jk is right
Rm:keep quiet everyone!!!and you Kim Jungkook you tell me who started first (stern)
Jk:Sir I already told you that he-
Jay:No sir he was the one who punch me first you can even see this in cctv footage
Jk:Yeah I punched you first but-
Jay:see he confessed himself that he was the one who punched me first
Jk: What the -
Rm:Kim Jungkook it's principal office not your home so stop cursing (shout)
Jk(gulps):S-Sorrry S-Sir but please -
Rm : okay everyone kneel down with your hands up
Jay: But sir he was -
Rm:I know Mr Jay I'll deal with him personally but first let me deal with you so come here (stern)
Jay:Sir please-
Rm: I said come here Jay and all of you what are you looking at kneel down everyone with your hands up (shouts)
Jay came forward
Rm: forward your hands
Jay showed his hands and
Like this after 50 Hits he left Jay and told him to kneel down till off time with his hands up and at the end jay was a crying mess and like this he do with all Jay's friend and told them to leave the office which they all left while crying hard because of the deadly hits
Now our baby kookie and his friends was scared to death looking at RM's calm yet scary face
Rm:Eunwoo come here (stern)
Eunwoo:Hyung please atleast listen to us once he was the one who started first he threw water on soobin's head that's why we started the fight (pleading)
(He is calling rm Hyung because they all means Jk's friends and bts are cousins )
Rm:I know everything already so keep quiet and come here
(Now you'll sat how he know he is principal angel's he has footage of cameras all over the college he was watching them fighting only when the student came to call him)
Rm:Eunwoo I am already so mad don't make me more
Eunwoo came forward
Rm took off his belt
Eunwoo starts moving back when he see rm taking his belt off
Rm:I have already warn you guys many time but seems like you don't understand in normal language so now Ill only make you understand in the language you understand now turn around eunwoo and hand's on the wall I won't repeat
Eunwoo stand there with his hands on the wall while crying
Rm: Stop crying (shouts)
Rm start hitting eunwoo on his back
Eunwoo:Ahh ahh Hyung slow down please (crying)
Rm:You should have thought this before fighting
After 50 Hits
Rm: come here baby (softly)
That's it eunwoo starts crying hard hugging rm and rm comforted him
And like this rm punished all of his cousin means kai,beomgyu,jakson and soobin and they all left now it's our trouble maker's turn
Rm: Come here Jungkook (Stern)
Rm: Sir it's Sir for you we are in university Jungkook (stern)
Jk:Yes Sir(sadly)
Rm: Come here now (Stern)
Jk step forward but soon he regretted when a tight slap was landed on his face
Jk(starts crying): Hyung -
Rn:For this you come in university huh tell me why are you silent now and stop crying I hadn't done anything till now!!!(shouts)
Jk (crying):I-I a-am s-sorry sir (stuttering)
Rm: Come here remove your pant and boxers and bent down on the tablfast (stern)
Rm:I said now Jungkook (shout)
Jk removes his pant and boxers and bent on the table
I had warned you many times but you can't understand normal language right!!!
Jk:Ahh ahh oww(Hit) hyung slow down (Hit)please hyung ahh (crying)
Rm:You should(Hit) have think about(Hit) this before (shouts)
Rm:And why on the earth did you cursed again should I tell it to Jin and Suga Hyung huh tell me!!!
Jk:Ahh Ahh no (Hit) no hyung I won't curse (Hit)again please (crying)
Rm: it's better for you now say you won't fight or curse again (stern)
Jk:Ah ah I won't (Hit)I won't fight or curse(Hit) again please hyung (Hit) (Crying)
Soon after 70 hits he stopped
Rm(hugged Jk):Sh sh don't cry calm down it's over sh sh bubba you are hyungie good boy right!!!(softly)
Jk:Yesh kookie is good boy(sniffing)
Rm:Sh sh baby calm down (kissing Jk's whole face while wiping his tears)
Soon after sometime Jk calm down he again apologies to Rm and he forgives him and both went home
Comment and vote for the next part guys and remember I won't post if you didn't commented your Author alright!!!So do it now and yeah take care ba- bye love you angel's

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