part 7( Tae is sick and Jk's tantrums)

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Time skip to dinner
Jin: baby eat a little more people (to jk)
So let me tell you what's going on as you all know Jk was sick in previous part so now he is throwing tantrums as he don't want to drink vegetables soups which Jin is trying to feed him from a long time
Jk: Hyung no please (pleading+making weird faces)
Suga:Jk eat it no more tantrums and Teahyung food is for eating now for playing (stern)
Jk immediately starts eating after Suga's warning but Taehyung is still playing with his food so Suga grab his ear tightly but immediately leaves it as he feels his temperature is quite high means he is having high fever
Suga:Oh my god Teahyung you are burning in fever why you didn't told anyone before (scolding+worried)
Tae:Ah no no hyung I am not having any fever it must be because of weather changes and also today's temperature is quite high so I am just feeling hot nothing to worry (nervously)
Suga:Yeah yeah I can see and whom are you fooling do you forget that I am a doctor (stern)
Tae laughs nervously
Jin:Suga first check him (worried)
Suga: Yeah Hyung (to Jin) and you Taehyung go to your room I am coming in a minute (soft but stern)
Taehyung left to his room
Jin:I am also coming -
Suga: Hyungie first eat your dinner and feed Kookie too then you can come please (softly)
Jin nods
Suga takes his medical bag and left to Taehyung's room
Here Tae is laying nervously on his bed thinking to escape as his Hyung's won't leave him if they got to know that he skipped his meal's and overworked himself just then suga entered
Suga: Open your mouth baby (placing thermometer in his mouth)
After sometime it's beeps and Taehyung's temperature was 102°C
Suga gasps and says
Suga: Teahyung you have so high fever what you did man (taking his equipment out from his bag)
Meanwhile Taehyung stayed silent all the time now daring to even speak a word
Jin had also come now
After checking him Suga glares at him and says
Suga: Have you skipped your meal's Taehyung and also over worked yourself when we had strictly told you not to(stern)
Taehyung didn't said anything
Jin: Speak up Teahyung don't test our patience (stern)
Taehyung noded and said
Tae:Yes h-hyungie I am s-sorry please (scared)
Suga: Get fine first then I'll tell you not turn around (stern)
Tae: Hyungie please (teary eyes)
Suga: Taehyung Doing make me more mad turn around I said (angry)
Teahyung didn't move even an inch so suga said
Suga(sighs):Jin please turn him around and hold him tightly (to Jin)
Jin turned him forcefully and held him tightly
Tae:Ah hyungie leave me please (teary eyes)
Jin:Sh sh bubba it will be over soon (little softly)
Suga came remove his pants and boxer's and clean the area with alcohol pad inserted the needle and Taehyung screamed in pain
Suga: Just a minute (took first injection out and immediately inserted the second one)
Suga:done done don't cry (rubbing his butt)
Tae:It h-hurts(crying)
Jin immediately scooped him in his arms and starts comforting him
Meanwhile with others here everyone is trying to make Kookie eat his medicine but he is not ready to listen to anyone
RM: Kookie baby please eat it quietly otherwise suga Hyung will punish you (softly)
Jk:No no no(stubborn)
Hobi: baby you are our good boy right (softly)
Jk:No(looks away)
Jimin: you'll not listen to your mochi hyung too(sadly)
Jk felt sad but he didn't wanted to eat the bitter medicine so he shouts
Jk:I said no so it means no why are you guys forcing me(shouts+annoyed)
RM:okay that's it we are trying to make you understand for a long time but seems like you don't understand love language (stern+bending Kookie on his lap)
Jk:No hyungie I'll eat please no spankies (crying)
RM:No no why you'll eat (removing his pants and boxer's to spank him on his thighs as he know jk got injected on his butt so he'll be hurt if he spank him there)
Jk:Hyung sorry please (crying)
But nothing worked and RM stared spanking him not hard
RM:you listen to(spank) your Hyung's at once (spank) and don't shout at them (spank) you got it (stern)
Jk:yes Hyung please no more (crying)
RM:ok stop crying now and eat your medicine (handing him the medicine)
he didn't spanked him much just five spank's as he know Jk is sick because of which he was being stubborn in everything so he just spanked him to warn him
Jk immediately gulp down his medicine and layed on Joon's chest and slept in some minutes
Joon, Jhope and Jimin chuckled at their sleeping Bunny
There will be a part two of this episode
Guys please vote and comment!!! It's not that easy to write this much in just one day but still I try to do it for you guys so you should also appreciate me sometimes!!!

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