Chapter 1

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The hospital is bustling as everyone is busy doing their own things .. People in the maternity ward looked ecstatic, squeeling and laughing sounds are heard from there with new born of their families getting celebrated..

One of the  families is holding a small baby with blonde hair and everyone in their family looks so happy and smiling...

A tall blonde haired man stared at them with a blank face.. His eyes which are like jewels holding so many emotions..

"claude.. What are you looking at.?" a red haired man asked as he turned and smiled looking at the baby..

" that child looks like our athy right..?" he said smiling

"yeah.. She was also so small when she was born.. But more beautiful than this child"

he said and that baby's family heard him staring at him surprised, that red haired guy swiftly closed his mouth and dragged him away before anything happens

" felix.. What would I do now..?" he asked staring at the sky with a blank face...

Felix 's face turned sad as he looked down like he wants to cry his heart out..

" why is everything happening only to us..?" he mumbled in a sad tone..

" I know right..? My fucking fate must be so happy torturing me... I.. Don't know whether I should feel happy that I can finally meet her after some time or I should be worried about that child.. " he said sitting in the car

" are you gonna tell athy..?" felix asked

" I won't.. How can I..? I can't see her eyes and tell something like this .. "he said and there is silence

Every other vehicles moved past them but their luxurious car is standing at the same place... Stuck.. Just like them...

" felix.. " claude spoke after a deadly silence

" hmm.? " he hummed back

" let's find someone who is honest and reliable.. A guy same age as athy.." claude said which shocked felix to the core

" are you the one saying this..?!! Why..?!! Do you wanna marry her off ..?" he asked shocked

"heh..i am pissed just by the thought of it.. I don't want to..I hate it.. But.. Do I have a choice..? When I am gone.. Who will take care of her..? You and lily are here... two should live your own life..and.. That bastard anastacius won't stay still " he said.. His voice hold pain

"claude.. Still.. How can we find someone reliable..? What if he hurt our athy or be greedy.?" he asked worried

" find someone honest and Loyal.. He just have to take care of athy until she get back on her own daughter, once she get back .. She can live on her own.. Just until then... Find someone to take care of her.. "he said as he closed his eyes leaning his head back ..

" I have no idea claude.. God... Help me find someone.. Please.. " felix mumbled as he started the car..

When they get back home.. It's already eight pm at night.. Lily, Hannah and ces are standing in front of the house worried..

" what's going on..? Why are you all standing outside...?!! ". Felix asked confused

" that.. Our athy.. " lily said in a worried tone.

"what happen to athy..?!!" claude askedin anxious tone

"That.. claude.. Driver said he lost athy on the crowd when she suddenly told him to stop the car and ran outside.. He followed her but since the cherry blossom festival is going on... There was a Huge crowd and he lost athy.."

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