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April is a 17 years old girl that had a really hard life

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April is a 17 years old girl that had a really hard life. She have an older half brother named Matthew Quiin.

When she was born she stayed with her father who abused her and raped her from the age 5. She was told by her father that if she says someone about what he was doing to her she will kill her, her mom, her brother and his father.

But she was some weekends with her mother and brotherand Jan. Even Mattheo's father Jan was more father to her.

But then their mother died by a gun shot in the head. Her father killed her mother, he was in a mafia, April didn't know this.

She had to stay with her father, but whe she was 14 she killed him, she never told anyone, not even a soul.

She was so scared of him. Then she got to her brother and fathers house and they welcomed her. She told them everything exept that she killed him, she said that he had a car crash.

After living with them for two years she again runned away because she was still scared of her father even he is already dead. She was affraid that some people from his mafia will find her and kill her like she did her father.

She was also scared for Matt and Jan. They were innocent and they could be dead if they would find her.

So she just run away, again.


Matt is a 20 years old man, that is originally from Italy but when he was young they moved to LA

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Matt is a 20 years old man, that is originally from Italy but when he was young they moved to LA.

His mom and his father were friends that they accidentaly had unprotected sex so they didn't have any romantic bound, but they loved their son.

After three years his half sister was born, he was so happy he loved her.

When April told them everything about her father he was angry at himself that he didn't notice the bruise or how he her father still wanted her home.

Matt is in mafia, like his father or friends. His friend Tom is the leader then his twin brother Bill is his left hand. And then Georg and Gustav, they all get pretty along.

They are the most feared mans in America.

They were friends from the beggining of everything, but noone of them know about he's little sister. First for her safety and second because he shouldn't show emotions, that's what Tom says.


He is father of two kids, Matthew and April

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He is father of two kids, Matthew and April. Even April isn't he's real daugher he loves her like his own.

He is in the mafia, when he was younger he was a left hand to their boss. His boss is his best friend, his named is Gordon, he has two boys that are twins. Now the oldest twin is the boss now.


She was mother of two kids

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She was mother of two kids. Died at very young age 36.

Wonderfull woman, she santed her daugher to grow up with her brother and Jan but she looses the court.


April's real nightmare

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April's real nightmare.


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