,,after we will kill that little fucker, we will take all his guns, money, drugs and sluts" i said to everybody at our "secret" meeting.
There was me, Bill, Matt, Georg and Gustav. The big five.
Matt was being acting weirdly these last days, he was still on computer or wasnt talking. He is always talking.
,,Matt what the fuck is wrong with you ?" i said with anger in my voice, it started to irrate me, if he has a problem he have to say it.
,,nothing" he said not giving me or anyone else look.
I laughed ,,is this about some whore you fell in love with and now she is gone ? Matt your not 5 anymore" i said as everybody laughed ,,i said it's nothing" he said trying to be calm.
Wow this bitch must be smoking hot.
,,come on bro, tell us, will you share ?" said Georg and we again started laughing. He stood up and pointed gun at Georg ,,don't. ever. say. that. again." he start speaking slowly without emotions. I like this side. But he should be this angry at the fucker Milan and not us.
What is his problem ?
,,put the gun down Matt" said Bill trying to calm him ,,shut the fuck up Bill!" he shouts still pointing gun at Georg. He then looked at me and pointed the gun on me ,,she's not a whore! don't ever call her that!" he yells at me and then lower his gun and go again to his work on computer.
,,so it is about a girl ?" i asked and he nodded. I was confussed why he was on the computer obviosly trying to hack something because he is like the worst hacker. Like really.
,,do you need help ? you look like you do" said Bill and Gustav nod ,,i-i don't wanna get her involed in this world i-i just she means so much to me" he says like he was crying. Ew, emotions.
,,don't you fucking cry in here" i said and rolled my eyes ,,tell us we will try to help, i don't need here useless Matt who is still on computer and trying to find her or anything else" i said and he death stares me.
,,it's about my sister" he said i loked at him with widen eyes ,,i didn't know Jan have a daugher" said Georg and i nod ,,she's just a half but we take her as a family" he said and i nod again.
,,okay so why are you trying to find her then ?" Bill asked ,,well she have a really dark past and when she was 14 she came to us and told us everything about her past, i don't want to say what happened to her because it would be disrecetable, we of course taken her but she didn't come back home for almost one week. She is only 16, she doesn't know anything about mafia or that her father killed our mother. I just need to find her" he said and my face soften. Oh.
,,oh my god, such a poor girl, ofc we will help" said Bill and everyone nodded.
,,right Tom ?" Bill said waking me up from my trance ,,yeah man, we will find her" i said and started to get in work.
It has been a one whole year since i left LA.
Right now i am at Florida and i am working as a bartender in some fancy club. I don't make a lot money but it's enought for me.
I changed my name to Anna Ross and made fake id because in America you can drink when you turn 21 but in Europe you can when you turn 18, i am still 17. I turned 17 two weeks ago so.
I have here a lot of friends, i am pretty popular and i am happy that i am away from my father but at the same time i still have nightmares about his death.
I am scared for my brother or Jan.
It's impossible to find me because April Quiins doesn't exist anymore, only in my peoples mind.
I started to get ready to work because today i was going to do night shift.
A get into my uniform, we have stric rules in this job but i don't really care. Even i am bartender i have to be atractive so men would order.
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I got infront of the mirror and started get my hair into braids and then with staples get it together.
Then i take a red head wig and get it on my brown hair. I started doing a normal rutine so my wig wouldn't just flew off.
Then i get a call from my friend Kelly.
,,hey girl" she said with happy voice, she was too working in this club but as stripper and she today have day off so she's going to give me ride there and then maybe hook up with some boy.
,,hii" i said ,,i am waiting for you" she said and i nod ,,k, coming" i said and take my little bag where were my keys, purse and gun. You never know.
We entered the club from back so i could get to work and Kelly didn't need to wait the row of people.
,,Ann it's so sad you have to work tonight, we could party together" she said nudhing by arm i smiled at her ,,i know, i don't want work tonight, i didn't sleep well last days" i said and she nods.
,,wel i better get going, come. then to order some drinks" i said to her and leave her with kiss on cheek. Yes i was really close to everyone i knew.
I started to walk to my locker where i put my other things and go to the bar where was still Jacob, my other friend, maybe friend with benefits i would say ?
,,oh hello there sweet cheeks" he say and i smile at him ,,hey Jay" i said and we hug and then he gave me a kiss on forehead. Yep, with everyone.
,,when are you off ?" he asked and i shake my head ,,no idea, but i better get to the work" i said and smiled he smiled at me and gave me another kiss.
,,what about qiucky ?" asked with smile Jacob after he pulled away ,,you know that i would love to, but! i have a work hon" i said and he did sad face ,,ok then...love you still" he said and again pulled me into kiss and left. To be honest sometimes he scares me.
,,hey sexy girl can i get one shot of vodka ?" asked some older guy and i nodded with fake smile ,,here it is sir" i said as i get infront of him his shot and looked for another custumer to order.
,,can i get a beer ?" asked some blonde guy, he wasnt from America he had german accent ? ,,yeah, are you from Germany ?" i asked with my real smile because he wasnt calling me any nick names i didn't like ,,ja, you speak German ?" he asked and i shake my head ,,no i um- my dad was from Germany" i said as i remembered him. Then i started to get worried, what if he is the one of fathers people and they found me ?
I pass him the beer which he takes and thank and then leaves, this is going to be long night.