Chapter 8

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Azfar's POV

I could feel her right leg fidgeting, her fingers twirling the dupatta in her lap. She was definitely nervous, always on edge around me. I've caught her stealing glances more times than I can count. Those big brown eyes of hers, filled with curiosity or sometimes even with pure hatred.

Right now, she was facing the other side, gazing out of the window. Her sweet perfume filled the car, and I couldn't help but notice. Usually, I'm not a fan of overly sweet scents on women, but there was something different about hers. It intrigued me. I couldn't help but steal a quick glance, but all I saw was her dark brown wavy locks, making me wonder what it would be like to run my fingers through them.

Her fidgeting leg was starting to bother me. I figured it would be better to break the awkward silence. Talking wouldn't hurt, right? I cleared my throat.

"Want me to grab you something on the way?" I asked, trying my best to sound casual.

She turned around, wide-eyed, as if making sure she heard me correctly.

"Huh? Who?... Me?" she replied in a slightly incoherent manner.

When will she stop getting caught off guard? I had to hold back my amusement, making sure not to show how much I enjoyed it.

"Unless there's someone else hiding in this car, I believe I'm asking you," I said, injecting a hint of cockiness into my tone.

The sudden change in her expressions was enough to make it clear that she wasn't expecting a response like that. She shot me a glare, her tiny jaw twitching slightly.

"No, thank you." she replied, plastering on a fake smile that didn't reach her eyes, and turned back towards the window.

Her leg stopped fidgeting. She sat there, legs crossed, arms folded. I never really enjoyed getting under someone's skin, but she was so responsive. Every word I said seemed to elicit a reaction from her.


Anaa's POV

"Unless there's someone else hiding in this car, I believe I'm asking you," he said, trying to sound all savage.

I almost lost it. Seriously, is this guy bipolar or something? He's like the devil incarnate, and now he's attempting to be all nice? Of course, it catches me off guard. Like, hello? We're not used to you being all sunshine and rainbows out of nowhere.

With the fakest, most forced smile plastered on my face, I mumbled, "No, thank you," and turned away, deciding it would be better if we didn't talk. Otherwise, I might end up throwing a punch at this guy who's much older than me, and then my Baba would be sending me scoldings from the heavens above for hitting him.

Looking out of the window, I started thinking ways to become financially independent and rich so I could escape from this prison of a person. Though I'm pretty sure finances weren't the only reason my Baba made him my guardian. I bet he saw this guy's territorial, overprotective nature and thought that his jail would be the safest place on earth for me. Not even a mosquito dared to fly around, let alone bite me, without his permission.

Annoyed by his cockiness, an idea hit me.

Two can play this game Azfu. I smirked to myself

Two Eyes And A Heartbeat (Ishq e Ana)Where stories live. Discover now