~ Story Time ~

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L caught flashes of images; rain falling outside of a cave mouth, green hills passing by in a flicker, someone talking and muttering at the edge of her understanding. L didn't know if it was in her mind or really happening, she couldn't speak or move and after a few seconds each time she dipped back into the darkness.

When L came around again the scenery had changed dramatically from anything she thought she remembered. She could open her eyes fully this time, although it hurt to do so. Her surroundings were bright and the windows only showed leaves outside, which didn't help to inform her of where she was.

It took a few minutes to make out that she was in a white walled room, laid in a bed with pristine white sheets and comfy pillows. She felt groggy and barely able to panic about where she was, everything felt a little hazy and it took a few minutes for it all to come back to her. That's when she noticed that she wasn't alone in the room; someone was sat in a chair by her bed, leaning their arms over the bottom and snoring quietly.

L couldn't help but smile watching Robbie fidget and she wondered if he'd been there the whole time she'd been in the bed. She left him to sleep while she took in the rest of the room and she noticed for the first time there were other beds, all empty except for one.

That's when L's mind finally cleared up the finer details; Bryce was laid out in the bed next to hers and he appeared to be unconscious still. Except this time there were no cuts on any part of his body that L could see, which was a relief. He looked like he could be asleep and yet L could hear that his breathing was a little too quiet.

A drug or magic induced sleep. L scowled, pushing the Keeper knowledge back down to wherever it came from, she didn't need that right now. She couldn't remember arriving at this place, just the changing scenes and then she recalled the reason she actually passed out in the first place.

She reached a hand down to touch her side carefully, it ached but to her relief there was no pain. She instantly knew the reason but it still astounded her, she didn't think she'd ever quite get used to magic. She lifted the side of her fresh blouse to see there was nothing there, no sign that her ribs had been broken or that they'd cut through her skin. She lowered her blouse and tried to settle again, she shifted in the bed and her movements woke Robbie. He sat up quickly and looked panicked until he turned to see her awake.

L half smiled at him and spoke extra quietly, her voice came out croaky, "Go back to sleep, I'm fine."

Robbie blinked away the sleep and his panic calmed when he saw her smiling. He moved his chair up to the top of the bed and tilted his head to the side.

"Are you sure? You've been out for a while, they said they couldn't answer why you weren't waking up."

L frowned at him and the room simultaneously, "Who is they? I'm fine really, not even a scratch on me. As for the not waking up part... I have a theory but I'll explain it another time, I have a lot I need to tell you."

Despite his clear curosity, Robbie didn't pursue what her theory might be, he knew she would have good reason to wait.

His face relaxed instead. "I'm glad you're alright." He was staring at her a little strangely.

L frowned, "You keep gawking at me, what's wrong?"

Robbie shook his head, "Sorry it's just hard to get used to your eyes, you need to see them as soon as you get chance." He hastily changed the subject, "And they are the doctors here, assigned 'practitioners' as they call them, this base is kinda different from the last one. You'll see once they let you out of here."

His excitement made L smile and she catalogued everything he told her away for later, settling back into her pillows.

"How are your parents? There wasn't anymore trouble on the way, was there?"

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now