Chapter 2

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"Oh man, oh man!" caty said

I can't believe I'm stuck in here. Wait, my mom will just pick me up in the morning. Well then, this is going to be a long night.

As I was walking around, I saw a clock, it said 12:06.Wow, we stayed here a long time. I heard a door open and thought "FREEDOM!". I ran over but I heard a small "click", it locked.

I saw some curtains on the wall, and not the one that had the sign in front of it. I walked through and saw an old hallway. I saw a door and it said "broom closet". I thought I heard something but it was probably just my imagination. I saw a closed iron door, an heard the door open. Bonnie walked out.

I stared the anamatronic in its eyes. Finally I spoke and said " Your my favourite!" I think I passed out after that because when I woke up I was in a n odd room. It looked like it belonged in a fairy tail. I saw the fox thing I saw earlier today.

It turned around and said " Oh, Your awake. Bonnie said to watch you for the night."

" Okay. Um, what time is it?"

" I think around 3 or 4."

" I slept that long?!"

" Man, your so loud." He was acting like a teen.

I was wondering what I was going to do in the morning, but I didn't care. Because right now, I'm home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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