Part 28. The Goodbyes

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It was the last day of school before the summer holidays. Ivy was packing her trunk and chattering to Scarlett.

Ivy had told Scarlett that she was related to Draco a few days ago. It went over well, mostly because Draco was pretty popular with the Slytherins. Scarlett seemed very happy for Ivy.

The two girls were talking about all the things they were going to do over the holidays. Scarlett's older sister played on a famous Quidditch team and Scarlett was going on and on about that.

"She gets us free tickets every game. It's awesome! She makes sure we get the best seats, as well. You know, I could try get you and Draco tickets. If your parents let you, of course. What are they like, by the way, your parents?"

Ivy stopped trying to stuff her book in her trunk for a second, as the subject of parents came up. She decided to lie, and say she knew nothing about them.

"Your guess is as good as mine, Scar." She joked. "Never met them, have I?"

Both girls laughed. Ivy quickly turned the subject to Scarlett.

"What about your parents?"

And that question led to another half hour of hearing how her father works at the Ministry, and how her mother is never there because she works with magical creatures that are most of the time in another country.

Ivy didn't mind listening though. It was nice hearing about the wizarding world, and all the different jobs it offers. She hadn't even realised when it was time to come down to the train station and finally ride home.

On the train home Ivy sat in a compartment with Fred, George and Lee.

"So what are you guys planning on doing over the summer?" Ivy asked the three.

"My family's going to Spain for two weeks!" Exclaimed Lee. "I'm very excited to see what wizards are there. I've never been there before."

"That's so cool!" Ivy built off of her friend's excitement. "Will you write?" She asked hopefully.

"If I have time." He grinned.

"What about you two? Are the Weasleys planning on any holidays?" Ivy asked the twins.

They merely shrugged.

"Money's tight right now." Fred said.

"Dad's working all day just to earn even a bit." George added.

"Well, I hope you win the lottery or something. Something good will come up, I'm sure." Ivy smiled at them. "Will you write?" She challenged.

"You know we won't." George laughed.

"Come on, Ivy. You should know by now." Fred grinned.

Then Lee quickly changed the subject to Quidditch, and all four of them had a blast talking about the sport, and soon they were almost there.

In the last 15 minutes of the journey, Ivy decided to pay a visit to Harry, Ron and Hermione and see how they were doing.

She knocked on the compartment door.

"Hey guys!"

A bunch of "hey Ivy"s followed. Ivy sat down next to Hermione, as Ron and Harry were sitting on the other side together.

"Any plans for the summer?" Ron asked.

That one question kept them busy until the train slowly came to a stop, and everyone was collecting their things and getting off the train.

Ivy took her trunk and Mad's cage out of her compartment, and went to find Draco on the platform.

There the he was, standing alongside the two familiar people Ivy saw that day getting onto platform 9 and 3/4.

"Hi, er...mother and father." Ivy awkwardly and quietly said.

"Hello Ivy!" Her mother exclaimed warmly, before pulling her in a very quick hug, that lasted probably less than a second but still left Ivy feeling overwhelmingly happy.

"Hello." Was the only thing Ivy's father said, before they all piled out of the big station and into the warm air outside.

They were driving home in a car, like Muggles. Ivy was a bit disappointed, she was expecting something magical as a way to get home, but she didn't mind much.

Her and Draco were in the back of the car, talking.

"What's the house like?" Ivy asked.

"Huge." Draco replied with a proud grin. "It's called the Malfoy Manor."

"Sounds evil." Ivy grinned.

"I like to think it sounds menacing." Draco shrugged.

Ivy smiled and lay her head against the car window, wondering what it would be like to finally have a family and house of her own.

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