Chapter 36

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Despite the sun shining in the sky and the late summer heat sticking to my skin, I feel frozen the entire walk to the lake.

     It's too cheerful out here. The birds are too happy, the sky too blue. Well, it's blue for now. The far horizon is black with storm clouds. I keep hoping that they'll come in quickly---that way, this whole mess will get rained out.

     But of course, the storm doesn't come on time.

     I make it through the woods and out to the lake without seeing anyone, then walk the long trail around its perimeter to reach the docks at the far end. I don't see anyone else out here or hear any music. I thought she said that this was Bradley's party? Did she trick me into coming out on my own? I don't see anyone at the docks, and there aren't any other boats on the lake.

     Something is wrong.

     The cold that I felt coming here is worse---goose bumps stick out all over my skin, and when I pause and look around, I realize that the world has gone silent.




     No gentle waves lapping against the shore. No wind in the trees. No birdsong or chipmunk chatter.

     And then a noise.


     Despite my every survival instinct, I step toward the lake.

     Farther out, maybe twenty feet past the shoreline, is the center of the ripple. The wave spreads out toward me, lapping against the grass at my feet.

     Maybe it was a fish?


     There's something floating out there.

     A log?

     No...not a log. It's too pale. And yet colorful. I can see spots of color on it---blue and green and red---and as it floats closer, I realize that it's far too big to be a branch or a dead fish.

     I want to step away, but I can't move. I'm frozen in place, staring at the whatever-it-is as it slowly floats closer to me.

     And then I hear another splash, a plop, like someone's thrown a pebble onto the lake.

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