12 Days Before: My House

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Today, i received the text i had been waiting on for days.

"Just touched down at the airport, jet lag hitting like a truck, call me xx"

Scarlett had texted, and not only that but she wanted to phone me as well. I hadnt heard her voice since i left LA and my god did i miss it. I missed Scarlett more than i thought i would, which scared me because im still heavily in denial about my feelings for her. They feel platonic.. but then.. don't? Maybe i want them to be platonic, i mean i do want them to be platonic but another, quite large piece of me doesnt want that.

I dialed her number and held my phone to my ear awaiting the beautiful sounds of her voice. After 2 rings she picked up.
"Hey Y/N! oh my god am i so glad you called!" she squealed down the phone excitedly. I smiled at her voice, i knew she couldnt see me so i didnt have to hide it. My stomach felt like it had just lifted off and had started defying gravity.

"Scarlett! Hi! whats up?" i asked, trying to act totally fine.
"God Y/N its been a nightmare, we're starting filming tomorrow and my agent hasn't managed to find me a hotel so im currently driving round london tryna find somewhere. There's the house me and Colin were living in together before we left but Colin's got the key and he'll be in America for a few more days! Do you have any suggestions? anywhere with low chances of paparazzi?" she wondered. She sounded frantic and slightly anxious.

My mouth started moving before my brain did. "You can stay with me no problem, ill text you my address, pull over and put it into the sat nav!" i stated confidently. I physically moved my own hand infront of my mouth. Did those words actually just come out of my mouth?

"Y/N, are you sure? i can find somewhere honest." she responded. After thinking about it for a moment. it makes sense, i stayed at hers while we were in LA, this is entirely platonic, totally just returning the favour.
"Of course Scar, please, you're more than welcome, plus, its safe." i stated more comfortably.

"I- you really dont have to.." she trailed off before i cut in.
"Scarlett, i honestly insist." i said while texting the address over.
"y- thank you." she sounded emotional, almost shocked at the offer.
"The address is texted over, pull over and punch it in and ill see you soon okay? im home at the moment, doors unlocked just walk in and yell. I have a gate, the code is 1263, if you forget the code just buzz okay" I didnt give her a chance to reply as i ended the call and mulled over what i had just done.

I had just invited Scarlett Ingrid Johansson to stay in my house for the first few days of shooting before we fly off to holiday-like destinations together while im madly falling. No. Its entirely platonic and nothings going to happen. My feelings feel so conflicted right now, its like a mental war in my brain. This woman makes me feel like ive never felt before and i dont understand these feelings and emotions.

Before i could think too far down this road, it was 20 minutes later and i heard her. "Y/N im here! i hope this is okay i really dont want to have to barge in like this but you said it was okay and-" she began to make excuses. But i cut her off by wrapping my arms around her gently, pulling her in for a soft hug. "oh, hello there!" she smiled up at me as i was slightly taller.
"Hi you."
"Hi you."

I smiled and pulled away.
"Can i take your bag?" i asked, offering to give her a hand.
"Actually yes that would be a big help, theres another one in the car, let me go and grab it quick from the driver." she explained rushing out the door.

I smiled as i watched her leave. My body felt relaxed and i felt utterly at peace around her. The little american was so beautiful and i was utterly transfixed by everything she did. Suddenly she was back, bringing my thoughts back to the now.
"I know its a lot of stuff but i figured i could just lug it all around for the next 90 days! ah! you have a lovely house Y/N!" she expressed giving me a smile.

She was totally oblivious to your peaceful demeanour, acting like a total golden retriever.
"Thank you Scarly, would you like to see where you'll be staying till we're dragged back across the world!" I chuckled lightly, starting to pull her bag up the stairs.
"What did you just call me?" she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked up at me.

"Oh uhmm... sorry, ive been on tiktok, did you not know your fans call you that?" i chuckled violently.
"Seriously?! Scarly??? i thought it was Scarjo still!" she huffed. "Scarly is definitely better than Scarjo, god i hate that nickname." she audibly became angry at the name.
"Okay Scarjo keep your pants on!" I chuckled.

She gave me the biggest death glare i have ever received. "my god i HATE it!" she yelled, playfully smacking my arm as we reached the top of the stairs.
"all the more reason to tease you with it then!" i laughed.
"I swear to god i will shove you down your own stairs Y/N!" She jokingly screamed at me.

I laughed so hard it made my stomach hurt.

"So what other names do i have then seeing as you're so down with the kids!" she said sounding like an actual grandmother. I opened the door to my spare room and allowed her to walk in first.
"Do you really wanna know?" i questioned, putting the bag on the bed.

"Yes Y/N of course i do now tell me." she demanded as she sat down on the foot of the bed, the other bag between her legs.
"Mommy." i stated simply.

She went red and immediately started stuttering and fiddling with her fingers, obviously never hearing of this. "Theres also been different varients. 'Mother' included. My favourite is when they describe you as 'mother is mothering'" i chuckled watching how flustered she was getting.

"I- well- wow- uhmm.. is that a good thing?" She asked, her cheeks rosey as she failed to make eye contact with me.
"Its definitely a good thing love, would you like to see??" I asked handing her my phone.

She nodded curiously. I sat down beside her on the bed, my arm holding myself up behind her back as i leaned backwards, just able to see the screen as she enters tiktok. "Sorry, i usually stay off social media but now im curious as fuckkkk" she chuckled, a little more relaxed in herself.

All i could focus on was how close i was to her because oh my god was i close. I could smell her beautiful floral purfume and the coconut smell in her hair. It was like she hadn't just gotten off a plane at all.

She scrolled through the comments on a tiktok edit and was smiling as she went. "I could never join something like this, no way, but my god does it make me happy to witness this. Like, theres nobody being mean, sexualising me, all of that, theyre just all saying how naturally beautiful i am, how 'mother' i am. I really like these comments here" she pointed with her finger like i couldnt see, like i hadnt already watched this edit a million times, "where they just say 'mommy' in all caps with little sweaty looking emojis!"

She laughed and put my phone down. "I wouldnt be able to deal with the hate though, but its nice to see sometimes as a healthy relaxer!" she chuckled, getting over her previously flustered state.
"You know they're all women as well right? Quite a large portion of the internet suspect your pulling an evelyn hugo with Colin!" I chuckled, knowing of Scarletts friendship with Colin.

"Well theyre hitting the nail on the head there, but they'll never know that!" she chuckled turning to face me. She caught me off guard though, as she turned, it turns out that we were actually VERY close together. I didnt realise how close i was. I could feel her breath on my face as she looked at my eyes intensely for a moment.

I exhaled a small amount, almost like a silent whimper, the small breath i was holding escaping my lips. My eyes darted down to her lips for a split second, as did hers. Our eyes returned to each others and she gave a small smile.

"Right, ill let you shower and freshen up, im planning to do a culture trip round London with you before we start shooting!" i got up fast and my voice wavered as i talked. I just hoped Scarlett didnt notice the affect she had had on me.
"Okay, let me shower and we can go straight out okay?" she confirmed, clearing her throat and smoothing out her dress.

I nodded, awkwardly clapped my hands together and left the room, closing the door behind me. I let out a deep exhale.

God Scarlett, what are you doing to me!

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