10- The Missing

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Well, the first week had already passed. The incident with the Arab drug dealers aside, it had been a good week. Atsushi was doing better and better in training, although with Akutagawa he was tied and Chuuya always managed to humiliate him in the first five minutes of combat.

On this particular day, he had managed to immobilize the albino with nothing more than a thread from his shirt and a piece of cotton.

"I beat you again" the mobster mocked, seeing him hang upside down.

"With all due respect, Chuuya-san, this is humiliating."

Akutagawa approached them, with Rashomon holding onto Kenji.

"Naive of you if you thought you could beat Chuuya-san in a fight, even after having trained with him for a week," he scolded. "I've been trying for four years, and I still haven't succeeded."

"That means that if I defeat him this month, I'll be better than you" Replied the tiger "Chuuya-san, please, release me. I want to try it again."

"I think that was enough for today" Chuuya laughed lightly" You have to get breakfast."

"Yeah!" Kenji exclaimed "I'm starving."

Akutagawa lowered the blond to the ground and coughed.

"With your permission, Chuuya-san, I would like to go visit my sister in the infirmary."

"Of course. Give my regards to her and Higuchi."

After a bow, the black-fanged hellhound turned around and took off. Nakahara looked at the detectives.

"Would you like a cinnamon roll?"

[ •  ♡  • ]

"Akutagawa-senpai, forgive me, please!" Higuchi asked for the third time this week "I couldn't keep Gin safe! I'm sorry!"

"I'ts okay, Higuchi," Akutagawa sighed wearily. "Don't worry about that."

"Of course I have to worry! It is my duty to keep her safe, to take care of her. I failed you!"

He couldn't get mad at Higuchi for apologizing so many times, since he could understand the guilt. Even after Atsushi told him that he forgave him for killing that man, he still felt bad.

He never came to believe that he could feel guilty for killing someone. What was wrong with him?

Meanwhile, the blonde on her stretcher was tormenting herself thinking that Akutagawa might hate her. After all, they weren't that different.

"Everything is fine, Higuchi," he repeated, placing a hand on the girl's head. "I'm sure you did everything in your power to protect my sister. I am grateful. The only thing that matters to me now is that you two are both okay."

Gin smiled, and Higuchi seemed on the verge of tears, but with happiness. It's not every day that you get compliments on your platonic love.

"Th-thank you, Akutagawa-senpai," she managed to him.

The mobster smiled and removed his hand from his friend's head. Then he looked at his sister.

"Do you feel good to walk?" he asked.

Gin nodded happily and got up from the stretcher, wobbling slightly. She put on a mask and marched out of the infirmary, followed by her brother.

They went to Yamashita Park and leaned against the railings to look at the sea. They breathed deeply.

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