Chapter 1: Anything can happen.

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You and the Task Force 141 are on a dangerous mission in the middle of nowhere with no air support just you, ghost, soap and Price, everything is going fine until all of a sudden, the enemy flashes a flash grenade, your ears are ringing and even your vision is blurry, even though you're protected you still can't see at all as this has caught you off guard.

"Ghost, Price, Soap!" You call out, coughing heavily, waving your hand in front of you, clearing the smoke. "Are you there, anyone?" After you say that you feel something go into your neck and pass out immediately.

After the smoke clears out you are nowhere to be found but the only thing you left is a ring that ghost gave you that you never take off no matter what.

"Y/n!" "Where are you!" ghost's yell. Your radio is right by the ring too so they cannot track you.

"Fuck, Price they took y/n!'' Ghost yells.

"What?" Price said, as worry washed over him. They have never seen ghost worried like this so they try to say, "We will find her '' He replies.

"This is my fault I told her to come with us, this is all my fault, she wasn't ready for this yet," Ghost said, as he felt the whole world crashing down onto him.

"Ghost, we will find her, I promise," says Soap.

You wake up in a dark place with a killer headache and you're tied to a chair. You can hear someone walk up to the room and turn on the lights, but you know the voice.

"Well, well, well, I caught the legendary y/n '' The voice says.

Once you can see him clearly you squirm and try to get out, "You motherfucker!"

This is the leader of a rival gang and the same person who killed your best friend years ago in front of you.

You yell at him saying "Are you going to kill me like how you did to Sky?!"

"Oh no I won't kill you right away, you're going to suffer because you killed the love of my life." He laughs and starts to walk away.

"You fucking bastard, they will find you Deac!" you continue to squirm trying to break free.

"Are you sure about that love?" One of his gang members punches you in the face and knocks you out.

Ghost is worried about you "Price it's been days we need to find them soon."

"Ghost, we have no leads," Price says.

"Actually, you're the wrong Price, you remember that gang that killed Sky, y/n's friend, Lazo? Well, y/n is smart, so she has her body camera on, and we got a good look at Deacon Lazo and his crew before it went offline. They were dumb enough not to wear masks they wanted to be seen." Graves says.

Ghost voices start to get meaner, and he says" Where. Is. She. Price "

" We are working on getting a Ghost location, but it will take time." Price said. 

"WORK FASTER DAMNIT, her life is on the line here, if we don't have a location in 24 hours, I will break down every damn gang-related place until I find her."

Price says "Ghost-"

Ghost yells "FIND HER, maybe get off your ass and help" Ghost storms off

You wake up but you're not in the same room as you were before. "Wakey, Wakey Doll, we are going to have fun," Lazo says.

they move you yet again into a room with horrible devices, but they first make you get undressed, only leaving your bra and underwear.

"I told you love, you and I are going to have fun," Deacon says.

Loving The Man In The Skull Mask (Ghost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now