Alex and ophelia pt 1

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June 16th, 2023, Alex asked ophelia on a date "you me date 7:00" Alex texted "I'm not sure mom will let me out that late" Said ophelia "fine how about 10:00pm but at your place" Replyed Alex. "Mom and dad wouldn't let you come in that late Alex" said ophelia. " "Fine 10am today" said Alex getting annoyed. "That's right now and I'm at logans house right now that wouldn't work" said ophelia " Fuck logan, she's such a simp leave her to simp over that hoe cece and come hang out with me" Alex texted. "Hey I love you in all Alex but she's my best friend and I don't appreciate you talking to her like that. I was going to say we can hang out tommorow but I'm not sure I want to with you and that attitude." Snapped ophelia. ".. you.. you love me?" Said Alex. Soon ophelias phone rung, it was Alex. "Hello?" Said ophelia there was silence over the phone. " uh ophelia... I love you too. That's why I snapped at you and your friend I- I want to hang out with you and *mumbles*" "what?" Ophelia said confused "nothing" Alex said. "Tomorow at 10? Until dinner that will give us enough time and I'm sure Mom will allow it since it's not spur of the moment" "sure that works, see you tommorow" said Alex and hung up. "what he say?" Logan asked ophelia "he said he loves me.." said ophelia "THATS GREAT! maybe you two will fuck next time you see eachother. Well maybe you'll have to take it in the butt to save it for your husband." Said logan "BRO SHUT UP. And yeaaa were hanging out tomorow, he muttered something on the phone and I couldn't quite hear it but maybe he said to fuck you. I really hope so. I'll have vigina sex for him" "even when he's talking shit about your bestie" "well he said it because he loves me, I think he's sorry I can't remember if he came out and said sorry" said ophelia "it's fine as long as he doesn't change you, if he changes you you would lose everything that makes you my bestie zont leave me" said logan "mkay I wonz" replied ophelia.


Opelia woke up to her phone buzzing over and over again, non stop. She picked up her phone 16 calls 109 text messages all from Alex. Alex called again and this time she was able to pick it up " hello?" She said with a tired voice "oh just making sure you were up our date is in 3 hours make yourself pretty, well your already pretty you know what just come what your comfortable in okay babe see you then" then Alex hung up. " oh-kay" ophelia said. "I just woke up to Alex spamming my phone and we just had the weirdest convo on the phone like ever." Ophelia texted Logan. "That's weird he's prob just exited for ur date" Logan replied. "Yea" ophelia responded and left to get breakfast. "Aaaah my little girl is going on her 2nd date! How romantic!" Krista said " uh yea yayyy..." ophelia said embarrassed. She looked up at the stair well and when her mom wasn't looking liam made a circle and a finger going through it again and again. Her mom caught liam making a face then looked at his hands "LIAM" his eyes went wide and he ran to his room to be with his online 30 year old roblox gf bc he doesn't have rizz in real life. Ophelia sat down and didn't even eat nor look at her phone she just sat there thinking, imaging what she hoped was going to go down at their date. " ophelia were going to be late!" Ophelias mom called from outside " oh shit" ophelia muttered and rushed to get her shoes on. On her way to the park, where their first date was she retrieved a text from Alex "here" she texted back " were on our way we will be there soon." When she got their ophelias mom yelled "I LOVE YOU BE SAFE SE YOU SOON" Alex laughed and her mom reckualy drove off. Alex took ophelias hand and walked her down the path into the forest. He took her off of the path and took her into the woods. "Uhhh" ophelia said unsure of what he was doing. " "don't worry I found a great hang out place, it's gorgeous, and what's good about it nobody can see us." Said Alex confident. " what are you going to murder me or something" said ophelia " how'd you know" he said jokingly. They both know what was going to happen. As Alex pulled ophelia through the woods, she got more and more nervous with each step. " were here" Alex said. He pushed her not to hard that it hurts her. He slowly puts his hand on her cheek and slowly moves it down to her lips and kisses her. The hole world stopped and it felt so good. As they were kissing he moved his hands slowly, to her breath to her hips then soon to her butt. He stops kissing her to look at her face but he notices he's been kidding a tree insted. Nah I'm kidding when he looks down to ophelia and ophelia looks up at Alex they hold eye contact for awhile then Alex picks her up and lays her down on a log. He quickly kisses her then quickly takes off her clothes. He reaches her pussy, he plays with it which ophelia loves and then she feels his lips touch it. Her eyes roll back and she moans.

PT 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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