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In the morning, I woke up to loud sounds. Men shouting, and loud screams. I look over to my side and see Claire gone. I shot up quickly. I unzipped the tent and ran out.

I didn't even put on my shoes, and I ran to where the screams were coming from.

There were people gathered around, Vincent, Juliet, Jake, and Murphy. But I didn't see Claire. I ran towards them. I moved them out of the way "what's going on?" I asked "wheres Claire?"

Juliet looked at me "Layla, I'm glad you're here" she said

"What's going on?" I asked, "Where's Claire?"

"She's okay," she said trying to calm me down.

I frowned "What do you mean she's okay?" I asked, "Where the fuck is she?"

Jake sighed "Come with me," he told me, I followed after him and he led me into a green tent. He opened it and inside was Claire, she was sitting down with a white cloth pressed onto her head.

"Claire" I walked over to her and knelt down between her legs "What happened?" I asked.

She stared down at me and then back at Jake, he nodded and left the tent. Leaving us alone.

"What happened?" I removed the cloth from her face, I clenched my jaw as I saw the scrape on her forehead "Who did this?" I asked sternly.

She wiped away a tear "I was down at the river with Samantha, we were washing clothes, and then some people came up to us" She cried "They took Samantha, but they didn't take me I don't know why" she sobbed.

"Who?" I asked placing my hands on both her bare thighs "Who took her?" I asked

"They called them the grounders, remember?"

I sighed "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I took her face in my hands and examined every inch of it.

She nodded "I'm okay, but you have to find Samantha, we can't just let them take her" she cried.

"I'm more worried about you," I said

"But I'm here" she took my hand in hers "I'm here and I am okay, but she isn't, they have her, and god knows what they're going to do to her" she cried.

I walked out of the tent and to the group "We're going after Samantha" I said.

They all exchanged looks with each other, I stared at them "What?" I asked.

"We?" Vincent asked me, I nodded my head.

"Yes we, now let's go before we lose more daylight"

Vincent, Jake, and I went down to their campground. Vincent had tracked them down before when they had taken captive another one of them, but sadly they got there too late.

"How did you find him?" I asked them as we walked.

Jake sucked in a deep breath "He was hanging from a tree, skinned."

I raised my eyebrows "Wow" I sighed.

Suddenly we stopped walking, I looked at Vincent for a moment. "Why are we stopping?"

Vincent signaled for us to come closer "That's their camp" he pointed to a camp just down the hill. We both knelt down to Vincent and Jake handed me the binoculars.

"I can't see anything" I whispered, "to your left," he said, I turned the binoculars, not being able to see anything, I nodded my head, I heard Jake sigh, he came behind me and placed his hands on top of mine guiding them to the right spot. I looked back at him a little, his breath was on my neck sending a tingle through my body. I shifted my gaze back to the binoculars.

"I see her" I whispered.

"Where?" he whispered into my ear, I closed my eyes and sighed

"Next to the blue tent, they're taking her inside it," I said, Jake backed away from me.

"Okay, if we're going to do this, we have to do this now," Vincent said looking at Jake.

He sighed and took the binoculars from me "Okay, Jake I need you to cover me,  I'll go into the tent to get her, we just need a distraction" he looked back at me and smirked.

I sighed "Great".

I walked into their camp like I was walking into a room. "Hello," I shouted, waving my arms around, trying to get their attention. Some of them had spears and arrows, a few had guns.

"Great this is just fucking great" I whispered to myself.

"Hello" I shouted "I come from the city and I come in peace" I placed both hands and bowed down. What the fuck?

"So I am here" I shouted "Do not attack"

One of them came up to me, it was a woman who had paint on her face. She stared at me and moved slowly.

"Are we playing grounders?" I chuckled.

She stared at me intently. "You know, from the show The 100? Grounders and Reapers? It was on Netflix?"

She just kept staring at me, I sighed "Netflix? I mean you must remember  Netflix, you know before
the whole world went to-" but before I could say anything, she landed a blow to my face.

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