John Darling X Lost Girl Reader

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( ok first off sorry I haven't posted a One Shot on here yet I had no ideas and nobody gave any specific request. This was also my Idea and I went adhead and wrote down )

You chopped up your food as you waited for the others to get back you always stood behind as someone needed to watch the Hideout Incase some had came like Hook you began eating your ears flinch you smiled running out seeing everyone you giggled knowing they were back home safe you noticed three new people the one with the glasses caught your eye you smiled happily.

" is everything alright, N/N? " Peter asked you and you nodded you noticed the new girl looked at you
" this is Y/N. " Peter introduced you " why didn't she come? " the glasses asked you turned to him as he said that " because she's always stays here. Someone had to keep guard of this place. " Birdie said you smiled " hello I'm Wendy Darling these two are my younger brothers Michael and that's John. " Wendy said politely to you you titled your head " umm does she speak? " Wendy asked the others " Wendy your being rude. " John whisper she quickly apologized you giggled looking down Peter looked at John then you and smiled.

You all went you running John watched you curiously " N/N! " Peter called you turned to him gasping then ran to him curiously " could you show John around teach him our ways? You don't have to if you don't want to though. " Peter said Peter was like your older brother in a way always looking out for you you looked at John and smiled as he talked to Nibs he was your best friend out of the Lost Boy you turned to Peter nodding.

You went to John taking his hand turning " umm? " John questions some laughs everyone knew your language but John was new even Wendy question your way " what is she doing? " she asked " she wants to show you around. She can't speak but she has her own language of speaking. " Bellweather said next to Wendy talking to John who was confused
" You'll learn it. " One of the Twins said " sooner or later. " the other one said everyone laughed even Peter this time looking down.

" it's getting dark now N/N are you sure want to show him around night? " Slightly asked you turned to him " he has point I mean who knows Captain Hook could jump you two and captured you guys. " Tootles scorch you pulled your hand away from John frighten now you shook your head " sorry N/N didn't mean to scare you. " Tootles said you nodded as if you forgiven him then went to your room " how do you understand her? " John asked the Lost Boys
" when you live with her long enough you understand her strange language then it'll become like she's speaking to you sorta like understanding English don't worry you'll figure her out eventually. " Peter said.

Next day -

John woke up screaming some of the Lost Boys from outside laughed Wendy came out of her room " is everything ok John? " She asked then Michael came out rubbing his eyes " no Don't worry your brother alright! Just got a scare from N/N! " Peter said flying down chuckling you came out of John room running then John followed walking " I'm fine. Just Y/N almost gave me a heart attack! " John said clutching his heart area you looked at Bellweather.

" oh um. It's like when you.... you get stress like a lot and you feel like your gonna pass out or even worse die. " He tried his best Tootles looked at him with a grossed out and confused face Bellweather shrugged " how else would you explain it? " Bellweather asked
" fair point. " Tootles said you flew to John landing in front him clutching both his hands and put something in them flying backwards floating he opened " a flower? " he asked.

" a White Tulip. She's apologizing. If she's feeling something N/N well say it through Flowers sometimes. " Nibs said " that's another language of hers. " The second Twin said " exactly how many languages does she have? " Wendy asked " 4. " Curly said Wendy stared at her shocked " well technically it's 3 her last language is kinda dead she doesn't really use it a lot anymore. " Peter explained " what's her 3rd? " Wendy asked " animal calls. " Peter said.

You extended your hand to John he took you took him around Neverland you looked back at him smiling happily before running again he was still confused on your languages but you let go of his hand as you gasped running towards the edge looking down he ran after you seeing creatures below Sirens? He thought you went down " uh N/N I don't think that's a good idea! " he called but you ignored him you smiled as you got their.

One turned seeing you and smiled jumping in swimming to you hello N/N! She said you sighed to her she smiled " Y/N! " John called she turned seeing him hissed you turned looking at him then her placing making a noise " guessing her 4th is Siren Talk...? " John asked himself the Siren emerged her body under where he could only see her eyes then she left.

You gave him another a white tulip " it's alright. I get Sirens can be.... protective. " he said you looked up at him and smiled at him happily you both went to a walk he watched you eat what looked like a Dragon Fruit you saw him staring offering him some pushing it towards him " haha. I'm good, thanks. " he said pushing away slightly he got down from the Rock and started doing weird moves dragging his right foot around you watched weirdly as you are your fruit.

He noticed your staring and stop for a moment and smiled at you then continued he was done smiling at the thing you got up after you are your fruit and went " hey, watch out! " he called you turned to him shocked to him you looked angry " or don't it's
fine... " he said you were careful now to his surprise
" what is it? " you asked " oh it's your I drew you in the sand and- wait hold on! Say something again! " he said " What do I say? " you asked.

" I can understand you! " he said " really? " you asked " yeah guess if you do live or spend time with you. You really do learn your language. " he said
" ready to head back? " he asked you nodded
You left holding hand.

PETER PAN AND WENDY ONE SHOTS( The Movie )Where stories live. Discover now