Preferences: when you meet them

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( yes Micheal is in here and he is aged up to at least around 13 )

Peter Pan -

You were Tiger Lily Younger Sister the and we're at mermaid cove when you met Peter Pan, Tiger Lily always had tried to get you to meet him but you were to nervous and scared until one day while swimming with the mermaids and Killer Whales you met Peter. You were swimming with your bestie Athena
" Y/N. Have you met anyone recently? "she asked you in the water " no why? " you asked " no reason. " she said then you saw another human come you hid you were human of course but you were skittish a bit.

" Peter. " Athena said " hey Athena. Tiger Lily sent me here said you needed me. " Peter said " yes. Of course. Peter this is my friend Y/N. " she said gesturing to you " hello Y/N. I'm Peter Pan. " he said.

John Darling

You were inside Peter Pan home when you met John, you were close to Peter like sibling close and had a close bond.

One day he brought he Darling's child in he came in John hurt in Wendy's arm " What happened? Brother are ok? " you asked Peter " yeah I'm completely fine. But Wendy brother needs your healing sister. " he said " are you really an actual healer like magic? " Wendy asked you " yes. I can heal your brother but it will take a bit. Bring him in our room Peter. " you said he nodded Wendy handed John to him and flew to your guys shared room.

" I'm Y/N by the way but the Lost Ones call me
N/N. " you said.


You were one of the pirates of Captain Hook crew you met Micheal when the Lost Ones were captured
You helped them fight in the battle you got injured when you protected John he got in front of you " Michael get the girl! She's hurt! " John called
" I'm on it! " he said going to you " hello miss I'm Michael Darling. Don't worry I'll help you! " he said
" I'm Y/N Hook. And thanks. " you said taking his hand.

Tiger Lily -

You were a traveler and came to her tribe " hello sir. I'm Y/N L/N I hate to bother you especially given the time. But I am asking to see Refuge here. I'm a traveler and I come a long way and I need a place to rest for a few days while I gather more supplies. " you said as a girl came out of the hut you though she was pretty.

" of course. My daughter Tiger Lily will help you. And show you what to do. If you wish it. " he said " thank you. " you said " hello I'm Tiger Lily. I'll show you my home. " she said pulling you happily and gently.

Captain Hook

You were abandoned by your parents you were a long lost princess who your brother took the throne and they completely forgotten of you, treating you as a servant and all till one day while walking around your town getting supplies " hello Ma'am " a man said.

" umm.... hello... " you said politely " what are you doing out here all alone? " he asked " nothing I was just leaving... " you tried to leave but he grabbed you
" unhand me! " you said " you heard the lady! " another man said " who are you? " the man asked you saw a man dressed in red and silver " I am Captain Hook. And you don't want me as an enemy so I suggest you behave and listen to me. I hate repeating myself. " he said.

The man stared at you and let you go and walked away " good choice. " Captain Hook said he extended a hand to you " I'm Captain Hook. " he said " Y/N. Thanks. " you said.

Mr. Smee

Youa Mermaid who lives in the Arctic one day while swimming with your Beluga friend your tail got stuck in a human trap you hissed and scream your Beluga Friend was worriedly try to help you " NO! STAY BACK! " you screamed " you'll get captured as well if you help me! " you said he looked at you than swam off. 

Mr. Smee was doing Daily checks on the ship in the Arctic until a Beluga popped up " huh? A Beluga? Your so beautiful but what are you doing up here? " he asked he creature he saw worried gestures from the Beluga gesturing it wanted him to follow it and he did he saw you trashing around he saw scratch marksman your fin and stomach he swam towards you " STAY AWAY YOU DEMON! " you screamed.

I just wanna help you! He signed " NO! " you screamed hissing violently please ms... just relax. He signed you did a bit as he touched your tail getting it untangle seeing he did not mean no harm you hissed and jumped on him pinning him to the bottom of the ocean staring into his eyes you saw good in him unlike other humans and got off him bringing him up " in Mr. Smee. " he said " Y/N. Now leave me aliens and never come back! " you said threatening and swam off he watched you.

Tinker Bell

You minding your own business one day then you met her Tinker Bell you thought she was a story or that's what your parents told you.

You saw her trapped one night in your room " huh? Omg are you alright little one? " you asked the bug lifting the cup but it wasn't a bug at all " OMG! Your A Fairy? " you said you noticed her wings were broken " oh I'm so sorry miss. Here stay with me in here for a while till your wings are fixed. I can take care of you in Y/N L/N. " you said " I'm Tinkerbell. " she said " WAIT! The actual Tinkerbell?!? " you asked " YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME?!? " she asked From that day she stayed with you told you of her adventures.

( those are the ones I decided to add in let me know if you guys want anyone else. For these type of chapters! Mr. Smee and Tinkerbell were added last minute before posting this. )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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