Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"This tastes delicious! Janelle where did you learn how to cook like this? You cook better than I do!"

That was Miss Mary the orphanage director. I gave her a dish I have been practicing and this was her reaction. Sure the dish I made was out of the ordinary for a 13 year old girl who never learned how to cook. And yes I am an orphan. My name is Janelle. How exactly did I end up here? Honestly I don't know. Miss Mary found me unconscious at the gate when I was around three. When I woke up I didn't remember anything. All the found on me that was significant was a locket. Well I think it's a locket. I've never been able to open it. I wear the locket as a memento of my parents... well I think it's from my parents. Anyway where is the orphanage located? It is located in the kingdom of Montegi. Yes kingdom as in royalty, castles, princes, princess, and squealing girls. For some reason I've never been interested in that sort of thing. I have been more interested in learning new things and following my dreams

"Well to answer your question Miss Mary I read a cookbook and asked Miss Lily if I could use the kitchen. I practiced cooking the dishes in the cookbook and then started making my own recipes. Miss Lily helped a lot by giving me advice and taste tested the food." Miss Mary replied, "Janelle you have a talent! You've never cooked before and you cook better than some of the adults here! Also not only this I know you've always caught on quickly especially in your studies!"

It's true that I'm a quick learner, but people my age should already learn how to cook. Then Miss Mary said the words I never thought I would hear, "Janelle if no one adopts you by the time you are 18, if you want me to, I will adopt you myself."

I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds.

"Janelle, you have a bright future ahead of you and this confirms it and your smile brightens the room instantly. Everyone here loves you. Plus I don't want your talent to be wasted; I know what you are capable of Janelle. If you stay here and allow me to adopt you, I'll send you to school to fulfill your dream. Just if you don't get adopted by 18 or if you really want me to I'll start the adoption process right now." I thought to myself that where else is there for me to go? These people here are my family. They raised me and they are the reason why I am like this. So I said yes to Miss Mary and she started the adoption process. Soon enough I became Miss Mary's daughter.

So as promised I was sent to school. I turned 14 and the high school I was going to attend had a placement test and I scored at a 11th grade level. When I started school it was very awkward. I was surrounded with people 16-17 year olds, but I gradually adapted. I woke up, got ready, went to school, went back home, did my homework, cooked for the orphans, went to sleep, and repeat. I had friends, but I only spent time with them at school. Before I knew it I graduated as valedictorian. A certain culinary school offered me a scholarship to attend their school. The school was only a few miles away from the orphanage, so I accepted the scholarship. I worked and studied hard for the next three years and I soon graduated at the age of 18. At my graduation a young man named Eric Foster offered me a job to be his head chef at his new restaurant. I immediately accepted his offer. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

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