Chapter 12: Hearing Things

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It was a beautiful afternoon. Diane and Aaron recently arrived from their honeymoon and Diane started living here. I had just finished lunch and was walking back to my room when I heard yelling. I walked toward the source of the yelling and it lead me to the throne room. There were guards outside the door of the throne room. I hid nearby and heard someone yell again.

The voice yelled, "I hate to rude your majesty but I cannot marry your daughter." Is that Prince James? Why can't he marry me? To answer my question another voice yelled, "Why is it that you don't want to marry Ayana?" That sounded like my father. Prince James then said to him, "I don't believe she would be worthy as Queen of Calena. Moreover who has ever heard of a princess who was a chef? No princess should ever do something a commoner is supposed to do." Is he really against me cooking? Plus why does he think that I'm not worthy? My father then said, "Why do you believe that she is not worthy as Queen of Calena? She has completed her princess training. Plus she done everything she can for the people since she's been princess" Prince James replied, "Ayana was raised as a commoner; moreover, an orphan. Although she has completed her princess training and has adjusted, I still don't believe she has experienced everything a princess is to do. She says that she would do anything to make the kingdom prosper but, I don't trust her words. I'm sorry your majesty I cannot marry your daughter." Does he really see me like that? He thinks I won't do anything to make the kingdom prosper. Am I really still not suited to be a princess? I wanted to cry from hearing what Prince James really thinks of me, but I held back my tears. My father sighed at his words, "Although I do not approve of this, I know that you James have good judgement and never let your emotions waver your judgement. But before we call off the engagement you must get approval from Ayana."

I couldn't take it anymore and ran to my room, not caring if they see or hear me. I entered my room and the tears started to fall. If my father is allowing Prince James to call off the engagement maybe the marriage is a bad choice for the two kingdoms. Prince James has good judgement, I trust him and if he thinks the engagement is a bad choice for the kingdom I have to agree. My father said it's up to me if the engagement is called off. I know Prince James will be here soon so I quickly washed my face and tried to calm down. Soon there was a knock my door. "Come in." The door opened and just as I expected, Prince James was there. I forced a smile as he came in. "Ayana there is something I need to discuss with you." I responded bluntly, "I know. I heard everything. I understand the situation and if you believe that the marriage between us has nothing to gain, then I respect your judgement. If that's all you need to discuss with me then you may leave and tell my father I allow you to call off the engagement." I wanted to get this over with. I'm trying my hardest to hold back the tears. Prince James then said, "You do understand the situation. Thank you for understanding and making this easier for everyone."

He walked to the door, but before he left I said, "What you said earlier was a lie. I will do anything for my kingdom and the people living here. Even if I get hurt. Almost everyone in the world has approved of me becoming the princess. One day I will become a princess that you will be proud of." He didn't turn around. He said nothing and walked out of my room. As soon as he closed the door, the tears I was holding back came out. I couldn't stop. It hurt when he said those things about me. Usually I would never be affected by words like that. But today was different. Those harsh and painful words came from someone I cared about. Even though he was blunt at first, he recently started to show his real emotions. When he smiled, it made me happy. When he was jealous and concerned, I thought he cared. I guess I was wrong. I thought we were finally getting to know each other. I was wrong, about everything. It's hard to change someone's personality. No matter how hard I tried, I could never close to him. I realize that now. I don't know how but, somehow even though we never really spoke to each other often, I cared about him. Maybe there's a small possibility that I even fell in love with him. But even if I did fall in love with him, it didn't matter anymore. We called off the engagement. Today's events took everything out of me. I told Luis, I needed to rest for the remainder of the day because I felt ill and that I wouldn't be eating dinner. Honestly what I said was true. I didn't really have an appetite after that. I felt horrible. I stayed in my room for the remainder of the day, moping about what happened.

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