Chapter 4: A Princess Returned

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It was a bright and sunny day in Clari. The Royal Family invited me to stay at the castle. The servants here are very kind and considerate. Luis, the butler, has been very kind and considerate to me especially. They let me use the kitchen when I have nothing to do. Cooking to me is relaxing. It takes my mind off things. Anyway, it's been a week since the DNA test and the results should be arriving soon.

I was out on the balcony when I heard on a knock on my door. "Come in." The door opened and King Michael, Queen Abigail, Prince Aaron, and Princess Kimberly Kate walked in. I was anxious. Did something happen? His majesty spoke up, "Ay- Janelle I have the results from the DNA test. I haven't opened it yet. I believe you should be the one to see it first."

He handed me the envelope and I opened it. I read it word per word until I saw this one word that made my heart stop. Positive. I dropped the envelope and started to cry. I-I am the princess of Clari. The King picked up the envelope and read it out loud. The King - my father smiled. The Queen - my mother started to cry. Kimberly Kate practically jumped on me saying, "I have a big sister!" My seven year old sister said that. I stood up. Prince Aaron who has been quiet spoke up and said, "I can't my sister has been in an orphanage all this time." He messed up my hair and embraced me. Everyone did the same. My mother cupped her hands around my face. She said between sobs, "My daughter. You've... grown to a fine young woman. I'm so happy you're with us now." I smiled at her words. More tears came. I've never been so happy. Anyone would in this situation.

I finally met my family.

I've never been so loved. I then said, "I have so many questions! When was I born? How was I kidnapped? What was I like when I was a toddler?" My parents smiled. Mother said, "We'll answer all your questions at dinner, but right now we must attend our Royal Duties. I promise we will answer your questions later." "I completely understand. You don't have to worry about me." Then a thought occurred to me. "Father is it possible that I could contact Miss Mary and tell her the news?" Smiling at me he replied, "You really do care about her don't you Ayana? Of course you can call her. I'll tell Luis to give you a cell phone later." "Thank you." Then there was a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened. It was Luis. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but your majesties have a meeting to attend." My father said to me, "Well Ayana we'll see you at dinner. Luis make sure to bring Ayana a cell phone later." Luis replied, "Yes, your majesty." "Good. Aaron, Kimberly, stay with Ayana while we're gone." Then they went to their meeting. I was left in the room with Aaron and Kimberly Kate.

Aaron spoke up, "Sorry Ayana I have some work to do as well. Can I leave you here with Kimberly?" I replied, "Of course. Go ahead." "Thanks." Aaron left the room leaving me with my little sister.

"So Kimberly what do you want to do?" She smiled at me, "If it's alright with you, can you teach me how to bake?" I surprised at her suggestion. "Of course! Let's see if we can use the kitchen." Then she said, "And if it's okay with you, can you not call me Kimberly? Can you call me Kate instead? Everyone here calls me Kimberly. I like Kate better." I smiled. She's so cute! I'm glad I have her as a little sister. "Of course! If that's what you want. Let's go?" She nodded and we went to the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen the head chef was there. "Princess! What can I do for you? Are you here to use the kitchen?" I replied, "Actually yes, I am. Oh! Do you think it's alright for Kate to be here? She told me that she wanted to bake with me." "Well I guess it's alright as long as she stays away from the ovens and stoves." "Thank you and you don't have to call me princess. Ayana is fine." He smiled at me. Then I bent down to Kate's height. "So what do you want to make?" She thought about it until she said, "I want to make the cake you made for us last week!" I smiled. I'm glad she enjoyed that cake so much. "Alright! Let's get the ingredients then." We gathered the ingredients and utensils needed to make the cake. I gave Kate a smaller bowl so she could make cupcakes instead while I make a cake. She needed help at first, but she slowly progressed. I never thought that I would be able to do this with my sister. Once we were finish mixing I poured the batter in the pans and set the oven. When they were finished they looked perfect. I checked if they were cooked and waited for them to cool. I frosted the cake and helped Kate frost the cupcakes. Kate asked, "Can I eat one?" I said, "No, not yet. I don't want you to spoil your appetite. Eat them after dinner." I looked at her. It looks like she didn't get anything on her clothes. I looked at the clock. It's almost time for dinner. I looked at the head chef, "Can you serve the cake for dinner?" He smiled at me, "Of course. It smells wonderful!" "Thank you! Kate can you wait in the dining room for me?" "Okay," and she left the kitchen. I went towards the sink to wash the dishes, but the chef stopped me before I could get there. "You don't have to wash the dishes Ayana. I'll do them." I said to him, "Are you sure? I can do them." "No that's not necessary." "Alright then, thank you." Since I don't have to do the dishes, I decided to taste the cake and cupcake. I took a little piece and they taste the same. Good, I didn't mess up.

So I went to the dining room to be greeted by my parents and my siblings. My father spoke up, "Where were you Ayana?" "I'm sorry if I was late, but I was checking something." "It's alright. You aren't late. Let's eat?" I sat down and started to eat. Then my mother said, "What do you want to know about yourself?" I recall my questions from earlier I ask, "When was I born?" My father replied, "You were born 19 years ago on April 16." "Oh so I turned 19 a couple months ago." My father nodded. Aaron then spoke up, "I have a question for you now. When did they find you at the gate?" I recall what they told me at the orphanage. "Well from what they told me, they said they found me on February 17. Which bring me to my next question. How exactly was I kidnapped and were they ever caught?"

Everyone was quiet until my mother spoke up. "We were at a ball in a different country. Suddenly the lights were out and we heard a loud shriek. When the lights were back on we found the king from that country and your father injured, and you gone. The only clues we had were your locket and that we knew that the people who kidnapped you wanted to ruin the alliance between the king and your father. To answer your other question, no we didn't find your kidnappers. At least we finally found you." I... never knew that happened. I thought that maybe I got lost and someone just took me. I guess I was wrong, very wrong.

To lighten to mood I asked this. "My next question is, why did you name me Ayana? There's nothing wrong with that name. I actually love it more than Janelle because it's so unique so I'm just wondering." My mother said happily, "I would love to answer that question! So your father and I couldn't decide on your name. I wanted Alana and he wanted Alyssa. So we tried to combine it and we decided on Ayana." I smiled at that. "That's really interesting to know! I love the name Ayana and I just have one more question," I said.

"I'm sure that since I've been living as a commoner most of my life, I will need to learn the proper etiquette... like a princess training." My parents smiled at me and my father said, "You are very smart Ayana. You catch on quickly and since you brought that up I need to tell you something." I looked at him with curiosity. "Since we found out that you are the princess, we will have a ball for your return next month. I know I seems soon, but I see you have the basic manners down and you were well educated. I even heard you skipped a few grades and were top in your class. So all you really need is the proper etiquette." Then my mother said, "Also the princes and princesses from the surrounding countries will come tomorrow to meet you as well. I know it is overwhelming, but they all want to meet you." It is very overwhelming, but I think I can do it. If they said I can do it, I should believe in myself. Then Kate who has been very quiet spoke up and said, "The princes are coming here tomorrow?" "Yes," my mother replied, "and that mean Prince Brandon will be here tomorrow." Kate's eyes started to sparkle. If I recall correctly, Prince Brandon is Prince James' younger brother. Does she have a crush on him? If that's the case, it's really cute.

Then the head chef come out with the cake I prepared. Everyone seems excited because they know I made this. Aaron then says, "You made these didn't you?" "Yes I did and Kate helped me as well. Don't worry I kept Kate away from the stoves and ovens, she just mixed the batter." My father smiled at Kate. "You did a good job Kimberly! You did a good job." She smiled brightly at this. "Really? Thanks!" We continued to eat the cake and when we finished we returned to our rooms. On the way to my room I ran into Luis and he gave me a cell phone. "Here you are Princess Ayana. This is your personal cell phone. I have inputted the cell phone numbers of Prince Aaron, Princess Kimberly, King Michael, Queen Abigail, and mine. You may call me at any time and I get what you need." "Thank you, Luis and no need to be formal with me. You can just call me Ayana." He seemed hesitant at first, but he agreed. "All right Ayana, is there anything else you need?" "No, but I heard from the head chef you like sweet things. I made a cake earlier so help yourself!" He smiled at me. "Thank you Ayana. Good night." "Good night Luis."

We parted ways there and once I entered my room I dialed the numbers to Miss Mary's number. It's not that late she should answer. On the other side I heard Miss Mary's voice. "Hello?" I happily replied. "Hi Miss Mary! How are you and the orphans?" She seemed happy to hear my voice. "Janelle? Things are great here! I'm pretty sure the reason why you called me is to tell me the results of the DNA test." As usual she can see right through me. "Yes I did and the results came back positive. I'm Princess Ayana." "See I knew you were the princess! I know you'll be a great princess!" I smiled at this. "Thank you Miss Mary! Well I know it's late, you should get some rest. Tell everyone there I said hi!" "Alright Princess Ayana. Good night." "Good night." I hung up and I got ready for bed. Awaiting the event that will happen tomorrow. "Hopefully I won't mess up.

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