S1E2 Tape 1, Side B

13 1 0

1 Year Ago:

On the 2nd day of school I was called in to the office for whatever reason and I'm thinking to myself "What I do now?" and it's only the 2nd day of school. I arrive to the office where I was greeted by Miss Douglas, the office's secretary, thinking I'm in trouble, but that wasn't it.

Ricky Santiago: Now what I'd do?

Miss Douglas: Ricky...

Ricky Santiago: What proof do you have that it was me?

Miss Douglas: Ricky...

Ricky Santiago: It's a conspiracy I tell you.

Miss Douglas: Ricky...

Ricky Santiago: And it's only the 2nd day of school.

Miss Douglas: You're not in trouble.

Ricky Santiago: I'm not?

Miss Douglas: (Giggling) No, you're not.

Ricky Santiago: Then why am I here? Is there another conspiracy that I should know about?

Miss Douglas: No, this is Jessica Davis. She's new, it's her 1st day.

Jessica Davis, another new girl who just moved here to Evergreen County. She just stood there and watched me make a fool out of myself much to her pleasure.

Jessica Davis: Wow, that's what I call a first impression.

Ricky Santiago: You could've lead with that Miss Douglas. Hello, Jessica...

Miss Douglas: Davis.

Ricky Santiago: Jessica Davis. Welcome to Liberty High.

I offer my hand to Jessica as she reaches out and shakes it as we introduce each other.

Ricky Santiago: Ricky Santiago is the name. Liberty High's residential Conspiracy Nut.

Jessica Davis: Conspiracy Nut?

Miss Douglas: He's into conspiracies.

Ricky Santiago: Thank you, Miss Douglas.

Miss Douglas: The reason we called you in is because you've been selected to give Miss Davis a tour of Liberty.

Ricky Santiago: And you picked me? Miss Douglas, you guys made the right decision.

Miss Douglas: Well then, show her around. And when you're done with your tour, Jessica, Mrs. Antilly would like to see you back here.

I give Jessica Davis a tour around Liberty as tell her the history of the school and all the conspiracies I've uncovered at this school. She thought I was nuts until I told her that 75% of my theories have been proven true. I then lead her to the library where I spot Clay studying.

Ricky Santiago: This is the school's library where you can find all the books you need. And this is my good old friend, Clay Jensen.

Clay Jensen: What?

I introduce Jessica to Clay and he was very confused.

Ricky Santiago: Clay, this is Jessica Davis. She's also new and it's her 1st day.

Jessica Davis: Hi, nice to meet you Clay.

Clay Jensen: Nice to meet you as well, Jessica. Hope he hasn't been boring you with his Conspiracy Theories.

The Conspiracy Nut: A 13 Reasons Why Fan Fiction (S1) - Hannah Lives EditionWhere stories live. Discover now