I grab my kitty and go sit in the couch.
"Who's my little kitty you are" I coo at shadow
"JON WHERE IS THE SHAMPOO" Aaron yells from upstairs
"IN THE CABINET" I yell back
I go back to petting shadow
Ben bursts through the door and runs to my kitchen I put shadow down and follow him.
He grabs a bottle of whiskey
"Ben drinking does not help it will kill the baby you know that you boob" I say
He grunts and puts it back then walks out the back and grabs the axe and starts smacking and tree with it."HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU BEN HE IS STRAIGHT" he yells while beating the shit out of the tree.
I sit on the steps and let him get his anger out Aaron comes out
"What's wrong with him"
"Ian was cheating on him"
Ben throws the axe at us Aaron catches it in mid air then throws it back.
"LET IT OUT BEN COME ON" Aaron screams
Ben runs to him and starts punching him.
"IM SICK AND TIRED OF HIM" Ben screams Aaron flips him over his shoulder then throws him on the ground.
Ben bites his leg while growling.
They keep fighting intill Ben passes out from his anger.
Aaron picks him up and puts him on his hip.
"Well that got his anger out"
Aaron walks inside and puts Ben on the couch I follow him then he rubs bens stomach
"I hope the little bug is still alive cus this big bug needs the little bug" Aaron says
"Ya" I say
"I hope him and Ian make up cus they are a cute couple"
"Yes they better"
"Well time will tell" Aaron says
I smile and kiss him on the cheek.
I walk up to the bathroom and lock the door I look in the mirror and lift up my shirt I look at my big bruise I sigh and run my hand over it.
I feel a sharp pain in my head
"Ahh" I say and grab my head
I walk out
"Aaron" I squeak
"Yay baby"
"My head hurt again"
"Well your going to the doctor now get your ass in the car"
I nod and grab his sweater and put it on and walk out the door and get in the car.
Aaron walks out carrying Ben he puts him in the backseat.
He gets in the drivers seat and we drive to the doctors officeSkip car ride
Ben is awake by the time we get to the doctor
We are currently sitting in the waiting room Ben sitting beside me and I'm in Aaron's lap.
I let out a little cry and grab my head Aaron rubs my back and Ben hugs me.
The doctor calls me, me being me I made Ian carry me.
"So what's wrong"
"My head hurts like bad"
"K well can we do an mri"
Skip MRI
We wait for my results when the doctor comes back she doesn't look happy
"Um Jon I hate to say this but you have a brain tumour"