Ian's POV
I watch Ben as he wanders around looking for his phone
"where is my phone Ian do you have it you better not cus I will slap you"
"I don't know where it is babe maybe in the kitchen"
"I looked there" he waddles over to me and sits in my lap
"I need it I'll die with out it"
"no you wont baby"
he bites my arm
"owww why did you do that you boob"
he laughs
"cus I love you very much so"
"That's gooder grammar"
"BENNY BOOO I NEED TO SPEAKE TO YOU" Aaron yells as he walks in Ben gets up
"wat" Aaron grabs his am and drags him upstairs
Jon walks in and sits beside me
"hey how you feeling" I ask as he sits down
"like shit my fucking head hurts 24/7" he says and puts his head on my shoulder
"can I play on your phone"
"Sure" I hand him my phone he plays piano tiles
about 20 minutes later Jon drops my phone.
"Jon what's wrong?"
he does not answer me
"Jon?" I look at him his face is really pale I feel his pulse nothing
"AARON" I scream
he runs down the stairs
"Jon's dead he Is not breathing" I tear up
he pulls me in to a hug
"shh its ok Ian"
"no its not he is dead he'll never come back Aaron" I say
"don't be to sure about that" he lets go of me then grabs Jon's body carrying it down to the basement.
ben comes over and hugs me I bury my head into his neck
"he is gone"
"No baby he is not"
"What do you mean" I look at him
"Well Aaron is going to turn him"
"You mean like turn him into a vampire thing"
"Oh ok"
He lets go of me
"I'm going for a walk"
I walk outside and go to the park I sit on the swing
"Jesus am I going to be the only human like fuck"
"Talking to your self I see"
I look up to see some dude covered in tattoos standing In front of me
"Uh ya"
He sits on the swing beside me
"I'm Austin" he says
"Uh I'm Ian"
"Hi so why are you going to be the only human"
"Uh long story"
"Ehh I got time"
So I end up telling him the whole story from the beginning when I met Ben.
"Wow that is mind blowing" he says
"Yup well I should get home" I say
"Ok here" he hands me his number
"Uh thanks" I feel my face heat up why am I blushing
"Well bye"
"Uh bye"
I walk home when I get home I open the door and Jon attacks me.
I grab his shoulders and look at him
"Holy fuck"
His eyes are red and he has these bug ass teeth.
"JON GET OFF IAN" Aaron yells
Jon pins my hands down and tries to bite me
"JON STOP" I scream
He sinks he teeth into my neck
Aaron pulls him off me
"Ian I'm sorry" I hold my neck and get up
"I can't live like this any more"
Ben looks up from behind Aaron
"I'm sorry Ben it's over I can't"
"But I'm having your baby in like a week"
"Just let me think about it"
He waddles away
I just run to Gerard's house
When I get there I just barge in
"GERARD" I cry
"Hey what's wrong baby"
He walks up to me and hugs me.
"I don't know Jon Tried to kill me"
"Awe" he rubs my back
i start seeing black dots
"Gerard I'm going to pass out" I say
"Calm down your having an panic attack"
"I can't" i say then everything goes black.