Chapter 2 - Feelings?

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*Niall POV*

"...You deserve to be happy." Harry says as we walk down the hall to my green room. "Jas!!" The lads and I scream bursting through her door. The moment I see her I'm just in awe. Her super long, auburn hair is up in a ponytail and her normally light brown eyes are shining so bright they glow hazel. She's laughing her heart-stopping laugh and I can't help but smile wide. "Hey lads." She says with a bright smile on her gorgeous face. After a quick group hug we're heading down the stairs to eat dinner and then attempt an all-night moviethon.

*Skip to dinner*

"Hazz, did you make this?!?" Jas asks in an almost demanding tone. "Yep yep." She seems to be in shock. Slowly she takes another bite of her chicken parmesan and a smile erupts on her face. "This is the best food I've ever eaten!" She exclaims. We explode into laughter as Jasmin shovels food into her mouth, even quicker than I do! "I'm glad you like it little sis." Harry says laughing. "So is Zayn visiting Perrie or something?" The mood suddenly feels muggy and it's hard to breathe. "No, um-you know how I told you t-that the band is dealing with something?" Harry says starting to get emotional. Jasmin nods slowly. "Well Ollie, Zayn quit the band two days ago." Awkward silence fills the room. "Can I kick his butt?" Jasmin's voice is filled with anger and hurt. "No you may not 'kick his butt'" Lou says mocking her.

Jasmin POV*

I can't believe he did that. Zayn Javaad Malik quit freaking One Direction! Actually, I'm not surprised; internally I could tell it was coming. I'm upset that he left but I know that even with him gone, Carrots, Curly, Batman, and Mr. Irish will still go on and be a fabulous group. They are all super talented and they don't need Zayn to make them and absolutely wonderful group. Overall, I think that it may end up being good for the group. I know Zayn will be missed by everyone and we all know he is super talented but, the others are super talented too. One Direction's four remaining member will keep going and show everyone how amazing and strong they really are.

"Jassy?" Niall says softly breaking me from my thoughts. "Yeah?" "You just kinda sat here with your cute thinking face for 20 minutes." Niall says and I feel a smile tug at my lips as his Irish accented laughter fill the air. Suddenly nervous, I glance around and notice that only Niall and I are in the dining room. "Where'd the others go, Ni?" "To put some movies in. Let's go!" He says taking my hand and dragging me into the theatre room. All of the lads turn and look at us; I swear I hear Louis whistle. I drop Niall's warm hand and look at everyone. "I-I'm gonna go change." I stumble through my words and run up the stairs. Once in the safety of my room, I collapse of my bed. Confusion surges through my body. A loud knock pulls me from my thoughts. "Who is i-" "Harry." A husky voice says quietly. "It's open.' The door swings open and my brother walks in, confusion and worry present on his every gorgeous face. "Do you want to talk about it?" "What's to talk about?" I say. I fell the bed sink next to me. "Whatever's wrong." Hazz says puling me into his arms. "I just-I don't- I think I- I like Niall, H." I trip over my words as thoughts of Niall flood my mind once more. Harry is silent for a while, clearly contemplating something. "Well, why do you like him? Hazz asks letting go of me. "Well, I like him because he is very sweet and charming. When we first met all those years ago, he was very shy; but the instant we got to know each other, he became a huge ball of energy, one that I'm constantly wishing I could be around. He's constantly making me laugh and I love the way he treats girls. He loves with his heart, not his eyes. I know that he will love a person no matter what they look like or what their background is. He is the perfect gentleman and I know and believe with my whole heart, that he is the man I've been waiting for." I say my mood brightening more with every word. "How long-" "About a year." I say the question I knew was coming eventually. "But, I doubt Niall will ever feel the same about me." My voice almost gives out as my sentence comes to a close. "He does." It's crazy that two little words can make your stomach surge with butterflies and your heart leap from your chest. "He does?" The wings of my stomach butterflies flutter faster, making me feel nauseous. Harry nods his head slowly. "Yesterday Louis was teasing Nialler about liking you because he got really excited when I told him you were coming to visit." Blood rushes up my cheeks causing them to turn a brilliant, firetruck red. "I'll be down in a minute." I say as Harry leaves the room.

*Niall POV*

I wonder why Jassy suddenly let go of my hand and run up the stairs. I look around slowly and see Harry jump up from his seat and quickly follow her. His curls flying as he jogs out the door. Feeling rejected, I sit in the nearest seat and stare at my red and black shoes. "You okay mate?" Liam asks me calmly. Ever so slowly I shake my head. "I honestly thought she liked me, but then she pulled away." The words 'pulled away' echo through the theatre for a minute before Louis clears his throat. "Uh-Nialler, mate, I might know why she pulled away." My head jerks up. "Why?" I ask immediately, suddenly worried I was right. "When you came waltzing in here holding hands, I- uh- I kinda whistled softly. I didn't think she'd hear." He says guilt evident in his voice. "I just wish I knew if Jasmin liked me. "She does." A husky voice speaks. My mind hopes it's true, but my face reads 'yeah right'. "Nialler here doesn't believe you, I mean just look at that face." Lou says, always trying to get a laugh. ""Ha ha." I say before I turn my attention to Harry. "Is it true, that she likes me that is, not the bit about my face." I start rambling. Rambling isn't good; it means I'm really nervous. "She- uh- she does mate." Hazz says ending with a huge grin on his face. "How d-" "We were just talking about it actually." I sigh in relief as a wave of monarch butterflies attack my whole stomach.

A few minutes later, Jassy walks in and sits next to me on a black and white cow print recliner. I giggle as I read her pajama shirt. It has a mad looking cookie on it and the cookie is saying "I'm one tough cookie!" "You really like pink don't you?" I ask pointing to her neon pink pajamas. She nods her head smiling as we hear the opening to Journey 2 playing.

Later that night I fall asleep with Jas in my arms. 

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