Chapter 10

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Yo! Sweet potatoes 🍠(^-^) , lazy potato is back [*3*]

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Tea house

A low-key carriage stopped infront of the luxuries tea house. A young graceful omega wearing veil accompanied by two young maid entered the tea house.

Not long after two royal carriage stopped and two tall handsome man known as the first prince and Duke Jeon was welcomed by the manager.

Both had unique temperament, one had the superiority of the royalties and other has a ruthless and fearsome aura.

The First Prince often visited this tea house with his cousin Duke Jeon for high quality tea, delicate snacks and fruit wines.

But this time first prince turned around and went to the second carriage to escort someone, a young omega come out with arrogance engraved in his bones.

Of course no one questioned him but everyone secretly tried to guess the omega's identity.

Two Days later

The powerful general known as war God returned back to the capital.

He went to the palace to greet the emperor first, the emperor happily bestowed upon several cart of expensive gifts including boxes of gold ingots, night pearls, jade.

After leaving the palace the strong alpha accompanied by some high ranked soliders hurried towards kim residence.

The whole residence was waiting to welcome him on the main gate.

Spotting the certain beautiful figure a rare smile bloomed in the cold blooded man's face, his heart warmed.

His little flower grow up.

There was standing his little brother squinting his eyes trying his best to stay awake looking adorable, the fluffy fur coat he was wearing was bigger than his body making him look tiny. His light blue clothes added a touch of childish softness.

Kim Namjoon, Taehyung's only cousin, kim family's oldest grandson.

Kim Namjoon joined army in a very young age. He was raised by Taehyung's mother when she was alive, later old madam personally took care of him.

Old master Kim's first wife died after giving birth to their only daughter, after one year old madam kim married in. Afterall the first wife was her biological sister, she raised the daughter as her own.

She never neglected her even after giving birth to master Kim. However an accident occurred while giving birth and she never got pregnant again.

Old master kim never married another wife or never took any concubines, he was very satisfied with his two beloved child.

Later eldest miss fall in love and despite of everyone's unwillingness she married her lover, a wealthy scholar. She has been weak since birth and died after two years of giving birth.

That wealthy scholar had several concubines and mistress, fearing Namjoon would be neglected, bullied or poisoned old madam used her power and bought the two years old frail Namjoon back.

Namjoon always adored the soft little brother who always followed him like a little tail cutely calling him elder brother in sweet sticky voice.

" Namjoon, you're back! Quick enter the house, its cold outside these days ", the old madam urged. She woke up after sickness, her body is still weak, old master supported her and smiled at his grandson.

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