Part 4

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Alyssa's P.O.V
After we got back to jasmines we put all the snacks and popcorn into a couple of bowls then we put mean girls on and laid down . 😴
Next morning🔥
I woke up and looked over to see jasmine and Annabel still sleeping so I got my bag and went to take a shower 💁
I looked at the time it was 7:30 it's way to early 😴 but whatever 💁 I took a 20 minute shower then got out and put on a mint romper with white flats then blow dried my hair and straitened it then I painted my nails to match my romper then I put a white bow in my hair by the time I was done it was 8:20 and jasmine an Annabel where still sleeping so I decided to go get them something from Starbucks ❤️ when I got there I ordered me a S'mores frap then I ordered jasmine and Annabel both vanilla bean fraps and I got them muffins🔥 for me I decided just to get something from mcdonalds 🔥 I got to mcdonalds and ordered a sausage mcmuffin I payed and drove back to jasmines when I got there they were still asleep it's was 8:45 so I woke them up.
Jasmine got mad at me but got over it when I said i got Starbucks so did Annabel 😂
We decided we were gonna go to the Santa Monica pier and then we were gonna walk around we decided we'll leave at like 11:00 since it was only 8:45 we put on Netflix and decided to watch netflix
After 3 episodes of cupcake wars jasmine and Annabel decided to get ready they both put on light highwaisted shorts but jasmine put on a white shirt and Annabel put on a black shirt.
At the Santa Monica pier 🔐
Alyssa's P.O.V
When we got to the pier we bought wristbands for all the rides then we went on the roller coaster first then we went on the rest of the rides except the Ferris wheel we wanted to go on that last
We were in line for the Ferris wheel when I seen Sammy Wilk , Matthew Espinosa , Daniel Skye, Jake Foushee , Cameron Dallas , Nash Grier and Hayes Grier I told jasmine and she called them over I was shocked her and Annabel knew them.
Hayes' P.O.V
I woke up at 10:30 and went downstairs to eat breakfast nash and can were already up and told me to eat an get ready because we were going to the pier with the guys (the guys I mentioned in Alyssa's Pov because I don't wanna write all there names again😂) I grabbed a poptart then went up stairs to change I put on a black shirt and khaki shorts. I went downstairs and told them I was ready we put our shoes on and got in the car.
When we got to the pier the guys were already there we payed for wristbands then we walked around wondering what rides we wanted to ride we seen Jasmine and Annabel there sammy and Matthews girlfriend they had this beautiful girl with them I need to talk to her I look over at Daniel and see he's already gonna talk to her so I walk up to her and start a conversation with her before he does. I found out her names Alyssa 🔐 I got her number and put her as "The Most Beautiful Girl Ever💘🔐" in my contacts.
Alyssa's P.o.v
The guys came up to us I seen Daniel and smiled at him he smiled back he was gonna walk over to me but Hayes do and we started talking I gave him my number and put him as "Hayes 🔥" we still wanted to ride the Ferris wheel so we asked the guys so it was
Cameron, Nash, Jake, Daniel and I in the first cart thingy then in the second one there was Hayes, Jasmine, Sammy, Matthew and Annabel.
The ride stopped when we were at the top and the operator guy told up it was stuck I was so scared 1 because I was on a Ferris Wheel and I'm not that fond of heights and 2 because I was on a Ferris wheel with 3 jokesters and 1 hot singer 😍
I mean they were all hot but you know what I mean. Good thing my phone was still at 95%.
I was talking to the boys to get my mind off being stuck on a Ferris Wheel. They followed me on twitter so I guess theres a plus side being stuck up here. I asked Daniel to sing he and Cameron sung All I Want and I posted it on twitter and Instagram💘.
It's was 4 by the time the Ferris Wheel started moving again when we got off we were all hungry so we all went to Red Robin since there was 10 off us there was gonna be an hour wait so we went across the street to the mall for 45 minutes to kill time. The boys are so funny in person there was not one moment where I wasn't laughing today 😂 we walked back across the street and waited 5 more minutes then we finally got seated ❤️
I ordered a strawberry lemonade and I honestly didn't pay attention to what any one else ordered 😂 I was sitting in between Daniel and Jake 💘🔥
After we got our drinks everyone ordered There food I just ordered a bacon cheeseburger and fries 🍔🍟
I was talking to Daniel to see if he was going on tour any time soon he said yeah with Digi. Daniel told me he's seen my youtube videos I don't have a million subscribers but I have 1000 subscribers I know it's a little but it's still some.
He says there really good videos and I sing good but I think he's just trying to make me feel good our food comes and we all sit and eat
After were done eating we all get up to pay I pay for me first then I wait for everybody after everybody payed we all get into our cars and drive to nash and cams house to hang out 💁

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