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(A/N: here is some art that I did for the story and my tumblr page. Enjoy)

-Aria pov-

The end of the school year has some and we are all cramming to study for our exams starting tomorrow. I'm currently in the library with Sebastian and Ominis, who is running is fingers over his books to read them in braille. Over that spring we celebrated my birthday in April, and Sebastian did a lot of research on that tribe of wizards he told me about. We also have been getting my nightmares under control. Which have been mostly successful, I haven't had one in a month now. I had to face it and tell the matron everything I was feeling about it. It helped a lot, and I do feel better about it all. Sebastian now keeps at least one hand on my leg or holding my other hand at most times as a way for comfort me. Now we still didn't really tell the school yet, it's still staying quiet mostly. But our friends know and that's good enough for us. Adelaide had told us the other day that she now had her eyes on a Ravenclaw boy who was on the quidditch team, or at least wants to be.

Over the next two weeks we all sat our tests, I feel like it went well, we all talked about it afterwards and they said that it went well for them too. Hufflepuff had one the House Cup again this year, and tomorrow we are going home. After the evening feast Sebastian and I went up to the room there was I wanted to ask them.

"So Sebastian there was something I wanted to ask you" I say to him. He was busy kissing my neck from behind me so he was distracted but he hummed.

"I got an owl from my parents the other day and they wanted to know if you and Ominis were coming back this summer? They know you boys don't really have anywhere to go so they're offering again" I tell him.

"I would love too darling, and I'll ask Ominis about it later and let you know" he says breathily.

"Brilliant" I say. Then he moves around me to kiss me properly.

It gets easier each time and more daring over the last few months. The kissing would get more intense and I reached out to undo a few of the buttons on his shirt, he did the same to mine, but that was it. He started to enjoy kissing my neck a little bit ago, and now he does it as often as possible. He let me kiss his neck that one time and I see the appeal so it's been getting more intense between us.

Now we have to figure out a way to tell my parents. I'm sure they will not have problems with this information, they loved Sebastian last year, so I can't think why they would not now. We don't think about it now, but we will come up with something soon.

An hour before curfew we left the Room and he kissed me goodnight and we separated to go to our different common rooms. I entered the Hufflepuff room and went up to my dorm. Where my dorm mates were still up doing some last minute things to get ready to take the train back to London.


-Sebastian pov-

When we separated for the night I head down to the dungeons and enter the common room. I saw Ominis siting in front of the fire with a book open on his lap running his fingers across it effortlessly his lips mumbling the words. He noticed when I approached he stopped.

"Good evening Sebastian" he says.

"Hello Ominis" I say. "So I have something to ask you"


"Yes, Aria, you know my girlfriend, has graciously asked us if we would like to join them again this summer like last year, I told her I would and that I would ask you, it's up to you" I say.

"Sure I enjoyed my time there last summer" he says.

"Brilliant, we will let her know in the morning" I say. "Well I will see you in the morning, good night"

I left him there he opened the book up again and continued on, I changed into my night clothes, and went to bed. With it being the last night in the castle it was bittersweet, because the next time I'm in this dormitory it will be my last year. In the morning Ominis and I approach my girl and tell her we are both spending the summer together, she was excited and immediately wrote a note to her parents and sent it with my owl, and us two Slytherins went back to our table, we spend breakfast eating and talking. We will see them on the train.

At exactly eleven am the train left Hogsmeade station, and we're on our way to London, Ominis and I have decided to go ahead to reserve a compartment, while the girls said their goodbyes to Natsai for the summer, living so close to the school she does not need to take the train. Eventually the girls did arrive to the compartment. Aria came and sat next to me, and Poppy was on her other side, while Ominis was across from me next to the window, and Adelaide had left a space between her and Ominis, she was across from Poppy.

After a few hours the trolley witch came around and we all bought something, however Poppy how sitting next to Adelaide, Aria now decided to lay down on the seat with her head in my lap, the girls were in a heated discussion about the latest daily prophet article, about some famous wizard. I was playing with my girls hair, while having a light conversation with Ominis. Her hair has grown quite a lot from last year, where she wore it shorter at shoulder length, now it was well past that. She has said she would like to cut it again, but I do like it longer, so maybe we will come up with a happy medium.

Meanwhile, Ominis was having his quill write out a letter to my sister, I asked him to include a small message from me which he did, and we will see what happens after that. Now the girls were done with their discussion, Poppy had left to find a bathroom, Adelaide and Aria were talking animatedly about what next year might be like.

It was about 7pm when we arrived back in London, Aria said goodbye to the other girls and Ominis and I follow her over to her parents, who waved at us, they kissed her and hugged her they Mr. Black shook our hands. We stood in a line Aria in the middle of her parents, I stood on the other side of her father Ominis took her mothers other side and they apperated up to the back garden of their house. They went inside and we followed to our rooms. She took us to our bedroom that Ominis and I are going to share.

"Here you boys go, pick your beds and I'm sure my mum will have supper ready soon" she says.
"Well I'm going to settle in, let me know if you need anything"

"Yes, I need something" I say.

"Oh, what that Sebastian" she says seriously. I smirk at her and pull her in for a kiss.

"Could you two please, I'm in the bloody room" Ominis says.

"It's not like you can see us" I say breaking the kiss.

"No, but I can hear you, vividly. Please take it to her room if you must" he says to us.

"Absolutely not! That's scandalous" she chimes in, then looks at me. I wiggle my eyebrows at her and her cheeks instantly go red.

"Come on darling, don't you want to be naughty" I tease.

"You will do no such things, you will be a perfect gentleman, remember you've got to win my parents over once we tell them, so you'll have to on your best behavior" she tells me.

"Oh alright, I will do my best, however you are very irresistible my dear" I tell her and give her another kiss.

"Okay enough" she says. "I will be next door. Ominis, Sebastian, see you boys later" she then leaves the room.

"She has a point, you need to make sure her parents like you or they will not let you both continue your relationship" Ominis says.

"I know and that's what I'm most nervous about" I say as I sigh and dramatically fall onto my bed for the summer. "Once we tell them they will be watching us very closely, to make sure no rules are broken, and I never did well with that you know"

"Oh I know, just don't go airing out your laundry, to them, I'm sure they're something's they may not be too excited to hear about" Ominis says.

"Just be yourself and be on your best behavior" I say to myself.

"I'm sure, she will help you besides they aren't around much if I remember correctly, so you will have lots of time together" he says to me. "Well I'm going to unpack now"

He waves his wand and his clothes and things fly around and go where they are supposed too. Lucky Ominis and Aria are 17 and can do magic anywhere. I have another few weeks before I can do that myself.

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