Chapter 4

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Athy's. P. O. V..

When I opened my room door, helly tackled me with a hug..

"athyy.. My cutie pie.. I missed you.." she said as we entered my room..

"hey athy.. Whose bike is it..? The one in the front.? It's not lik the uncles will ride that in this age" she asked.

I told her everything as we sit on my bed and she looked like she is frozen..

"so.. You are saying  now you  have a boyfriend and he stays in the next room I men that mansion  behind this  .. Cause your dad told him to...?!!" she asked and I nodded a yes

"athy.. It's suspicious.. How does your dad suddenly approved of you dating.?! He usually won't  let boys even talk to you .. You dad  is the  epitome of overprotectiveness .. How could he.?! And even if you guys are dating.. Why does he have to stay in this home..?!!" she asked looking confused

" I do asked dad and he said.. Since I am now going to school.. It's good to have a boyfriend otherwise all the pest will annoy me and  he told lucas to stay here because I would be alone in the house most of the times.. You know.. Lily and linsten will go back to their house.. They can be here but now linston's granny is sick .. And dad will be busy with work.. That's why.. I am so thankful lucas agreed to it.. I also don't want to stay  alone in this big house.. "I said and she nodded a understanding yes

" yeah.. You said felix uncle's mom is sick right..? Aunty have to take care  of them too.. So she is going back to her house every evening huh..?!! "she asked and I nodded a yes

" athy.. I am really curious.. How does your boyfriend look..? Is he handsome.? "she asked with curiostoy  in her eyes..

" yeah.. He is.. "I said and she smirked.. Helly always teases me.. Now she have a good reason..

" still.. Athy.. How did you two suddenly become couples..?! "helly asked

" he asked if I wants to be his girlfriend.. And I said yes " I said and she sighed

" athy.. It's really really  weird.. Why does he suddenly wants to date you..?!and you.. How can you just say yes..?!! Does any of this make sense..?! "she asked frustrated

" I.. Don't know.. "I said and she patted my back

" athy.. Do you really like him..? " she asked..

Memories of that day flashed before my eyes.. I was so scared back then.. But when I heard his voice.. I strangely felt safe and when I looked up at him.. He stared at me with a blank face.. It felt just like dad's.. Dad also don't smile often but he loves me..

He helped me and even safely drove me home.. He didn't touched me as he wish and I didn't felt uncomfortable around him.. He feels.. Safe and calm..and those red eyes.. They looks so Honest and I really love them.

" I do.. I like him.. But..

I paused as I don't want to say it out but since it's helly it's ok..

" I don't know why he likes me.. Or.. If he really likes me..? ". I mumbled and she smiled at me.

" it's ok athy.. "she said patting my back

" huh..? "

" yeah.. It's really OK.. You like him right.? That's all you need.. And even though we don't know why he proposed suddenly but , he is now your boyfriend .. So you should take full rights and be his girlfriend.. He is the one who asked for it anyways .. You can chat with him all you want.. Gtebti know about him.. Even hug and kiss him.. "she said and winked..

Then she stared at me and started laughing..

" pfftt hahaha.. Why are you so cute..?!! My cutie pie.. Look at you blushing.. I am can hug him.. cuddle with him and kiss him. Don't just kiss like child in cheek.. Kiss him on the lips.. If you like him, make  him yours.." she said leaning close and winked

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