chapter 6

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Charlie's pov
"Are you gay?" Nick asked still looking at my with shock I was standing there same shock what nick has, i dont know what to say I don't know why I said tha to nick "y-yeah" I finally said nick was looking at me he opens his mouth but didn't say anything
And at that moment I realized what a huge mistake I made by telling him well exactly It slipped out  " we-we should probably go now"I said quickly "yeah" nick said back we were walking in silence for a few minutes and than I had enough I want to have time for myself "nick I just remembered that I have something to do in the town you can walk back to my house I met you there and I'm going to get snacks  okay? Bye" I said as a quickly walked away I didn't gave him.time to say back anything as I didn't see him I start to walk slow and started  crying and thinking how u fucked up my friendship with nick

Nick pov:
Im a big idiot my fucking crush just told me that he's gay and I was just starting at him like an idiot and now I just let him  walk away
Who the fuck do this?!
I was thinking abou how a big idiot I'm  I arrived at Charlie's house I don't know that
I want to be there after what have I did but I have to if I don't want to lose Andrew and addison too
I knock on the the door I hear some foot steps and than Andrew opened the door
"Oh hi mate where is Charlie?" Andrew asked me "I don't know he said he have something to do in the town so Charlie told me that I can come here" I said "oh okay come than" he said and let me In I stepped inside and saw Addison in the living room on the couch watching something on the Tv
"Hi" I said she looked at me  "hi......where is Charlie" she said with worried look "ummm....well he said that he need to do something in town, he said that I can  come back here" I said " oh okay" she said turn around and watch the tv again " okay sooo
Im going to order pizza, what do you want?"
Andrew come in the living room  " ummm pepperoni pizza please thanks " said Addison
" Please Hawaii pizza thanks" I said Andrew looked disgust "Ew who the fuck eat pizza with pineapple" said Andrew "well me" I said laughing than we heard that someone opened the door it was Charlie
He come inside he looked into the living room where we were "oh hi Cha cha, we are just ordering pizza what do you want?" Asked Andrew Charlie looked at him and I saw his eyes red from crying I immediately felt bad "u-um nothing" said Charlie Andrew nad Addison saw that he have red eyes "okay Charlie, I'm going to order pizza now" Andrew walked out of the room Charlie walked to the room and sat down on the other side of the couch where Im sitting
Than Addison looked at Charlie stand up yooked Charlie's hand and walked away "I have to steel Charlie for a few minutes tell Andrew that we are going to talk in his room if he need something" Addison said that went up to Charlie's room and close the door
I immediately felt bad again this is my fault I need to talk to him and apologizeto him
No one pov:
Meanwhile in Charlie's room

"Charlie what's wrong"said Addison to Charlie with worried face Charlie looked at him "nothing,I just listen to sad podcast and it made me cry you know how big cry baby I'm" Charlie said clearly didn't believe him
Charlie notice it that Addison don't believe him "dia I m honestly fine , it's just I have  a
Bad day and I needed to cry" Addison took a deep breath "okay sometimes I have bad days too but if you need to talk I'm here for you ch" Charlie smiled at Addison and than Hugged her  "okay  I love you dia" said Charlie with smile on his face Addison smiled too "oh I love you too big bro" they broke the hug "so tell me about nick now" said Addison Charlie turned red as tomato "wha-what d-do you mean?" Said Charle nervous "I mean what happened today after school" said Addison "I-i told him that I'm gay" Charlie said Addison's eyes wide opened "and.......?" "And he was shocke I mean he didnt said anything than I just told him that he can come here while I need sometime to think" Charlie sad with a sad voice he was close to broke down again
Addison looked at him and hugged him she wanted to say something but than someone knocked on the door than Andrew opened it
"Hey  guys I  wanted to just sai that I order the pizza nad ask that can we come now?" Andrew said "one minute Andrew" said Addison "okay" said Andrew than Addison turn to look at Charlie "talk him Charlie he feel bad Charlie when he seen that you been crying he look sad very sad Charlie like he could just broke down any minute, he care about you charlie" Addison said to Charlie
Charlie smiled at Addison "okay maybe I can talk to him after we hang out"Charlie said
Addison smiled back at  Charlie "okay but now let's go down" said Addison and than get up than she stopped looked at Charlie and hugged him Charlie hugged her back they were hugging for a a few seconds but then they broke apart "okay now let's go down  to them" said Addison "okay" said Charlie the both get up "dia?" Said Charlie
"Yes?" Said Addison "I love you"said Charlie
As Addison wanted to answer but Andrew
Screamed "guys If you don't come down I swear to god me and nick eat all pizza I'm not joking! Get your ass down bitches!" Addison just rolled her eyes "Jesus you asshole we are coming!" Addison screamed back while laughing"we better go" said Charlie " yeah" said Addison that went down
And Charlie start to speak
"So are YOU ready to get your ass beat up at mario carts"


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