In the future 1

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The six of them stepped onto a large square platform made of titanium tiles. In front of them and far below, they saw a few villages as well as a large forest, whose purple trees either had bare branches or were covered in needle-type leaves. On the land by the ocean, a long and tall fire stood on the edge of the water, where several cylindrical vehicles appeared to keep their distance from the shore. Behind the group, three people stared at them under the hoods of their robes standing in front of a long ramp ascending a black rock mountain to a mansion.
One of them said, "You've chosen to help us. Thank you."
The group of six turned around.
One of the robed people gestured to them to hurry up with their hands.
The same person that already spoke added, "Yes, let us hurry. Follow us."
"What's going on?" asked Rose as they all began their climb.
Alex replied, "We'll explain later."
"What's with the fire?" asked Liz.
The same robed person explained, "It is why we asked you to come. Our leader will tell you more."

It took them a good thirty minutes to reach the hexagonal purple palace. They stopped a couple of times for short breaks because the six of them weren't used to that altitude. Alex, Liz and Sam were less affected than Gwen, Peter and Rose but didn't complain when one of the other three asked for a break. It was mostly Rose who requested it. At the top of the ramp, the six of them saw two beings standing guard at the main door. One stood on four tentacles that supported their oval reptilian body attached to another three tentacles as arms and a rounded triangular head with a pair of large eyes on each side. The other guard had four one-meter tall muscular horse legs attached to a short horse torso, and a nearly one-meter tall human torso with two humanoid arms and a human head. One of the guards intensely watched the group enter the mansion.

Inside the building, they walked through a long and wide purple-cream hallway. They passed several rooms without doors but the doorways were angled to prevent one from seeing inside. The guides stopped at an entrance halfway through the hallway to verify that they hadn't lost any of the six before leading the group into a room. In the middle of the space, there was a small square bamboo platform with someone, who appeared to be praying, sitting on it and to the group's right were two groups of five people in robes speaking among one another. One of their guides approached the center while the other two joined their colleagues. Their guide spoke to the one on the bamboo square in a language that the group didn't understand. The six of them assumed that the person being spoken to was the leader mentioned earlier. Their guide stopped talking and the person on the platform raised their head to look at the six of them.
The leader said, "Excellent. Welcome. We are the sight-seers who asked for you."
"Now do I get to know why I'm here?" asked Rose still tired from the climb.
The leader explained, "You are here to undo the damage caused by a time traveller. We know it's unnatural because those of us in this room have a different perception of time. We can view different realities without leaving this one. We can exist on different planes, view different time lines and compare them. Only view. We cannot affect. The time traveller is an unnatural disruption to our reality. We traced it back to over a thousand years ago. One among us can naturally alter time but they are limited by events within the past few years. They could only go back and warn us about the disruption. The time traveller came over a year ago and joined forces with the other continent to start a war to conquer our side. None of us here can go to the disrupter's time without causing severe repercussions in the time line. This is why you are here."
"So you can see this time and others?" asked Liz. "You're in one time line but want to be in another so you brought us from the past to send us to a further past to undo this future?" She hoped to understand it by saying it aloud.
Peter added, "I'm confused too. How come we don't affect the universe when crossing over?"
Sam stated, "I only want to know when we're leaving."
The leader answered Peter, "Every three centuries, less than a dozen people receive the gift to travel between realities, or dimensions and time as some prefer, without causing cosmic repercussions. Most are able to do this for only dimensions or only time. The gift allows them to create portals, which they and anyone with them can use safely. Their portals supply a barrier to prevent alterations to realities caused by a foreign presence. This is crucial for the time element. Without a barrier in time portals, the repercussions are severe. Two of you are among these people. We spent years looking for someone who is capable and willing." Realizing that she would have to work with Gwen, Rose grimaced out of annoyance. Gwen noticed Rose's reaction. She was hurt and wanted to say something but the leader continued to speak. "We requested all six of you hoping that the chances of success are greater. We want you to visit the disrupter's reality to stop them before they leave it. Before someone who shouldn't be part of our world destroys a century of effort to give a more desirable home to those willing to forgo certain lifestyles permanently."
Liz felt content becoming less confused. "I think I'm finally catching up."
"Is that it?" asked Alex eagerly. "Are we ready to leave now?"
The leader announced, "We still have preparations to make. For now, if you are willing, Peter, we can use your help."
"Me?" said Peter surprised. "Sure but how can I help?"
"We have people who need your help. Please, follow my associate." The leader pointed to a younger person sitting on the floor.
A chubby black-haired person stood up and gestured to Peter to follow them. Peter walked out of the room behind his new guide while the others stayed put.

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