In the future 4

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The group stepped onto a titanium platform below a purple-cream marble mansion.
"It's back!" exclaimed Liz happily referring to the palace.
Nearby, the three people that had initially greeted them stood beside their leader. One of them held a triangular glass device that blinked a small light while translating their phrases.
The leader said, "Welcome."
Liz was too relieved to wonder why the leader needed a translator. Alex and Peter didn't even notice. As for Gwen and Sam, they assumed that it was an odd effect from time travelling and Rose didn't care.
"You remember us?" asked Liz.
The leader answered, "Yes and no."
Peter responded confused, "We were here like an hour ago."
"In another reality, yes. Not in mine. But I did see this other reality for your return."
"Did we prevent the war in your world?" asked Alex.
"Yes, you did."
Gwen said, "Good. We don't have to go back." She barely felt strong enough to create one more portal.
Sam commented, "I thought for sure we'd have to do more."
Alex added, "I HOPED we'd have to do more."
Wanting to remind everyone why she was there, Rose said, "I didn't even want to be here so I'm good with that."
The leader responded, "Whatever you did, big or small, realigned our reality to where it should be. We greatly appreciate it. My associates will help you make the portal back to the right time."
"Do you want me to heal more people before we leave?" asked Peter eagerly.
"Heal more people? There are no people to heal."
Peter responded, "Right. That was the point."
Liz put one of her arms around Peter's shoulders. "Well, I'm ready to go home."

Alex and Sam were disappointed that they hadn't done a lot but they had helped prevent a war so that was good enough for them. The two of them stepped aside from the others to enjoy the view from the mountain.
Sam said, "It looks like we did it. We didn't do much but we helped them."
Alex replied, "Yeah, somehow. I still feel we're missing something. It doesn't make sense for something so big to be solved so easily. Nor for Liz to have known about the naked guy behind us or who we were after."
"I know but I'm happy with how it worked out. And look, it's back." Sam smiled holding a fireball.
"Nice. What was wrong with our abilities before? Should we question Liz again about what she knows?"
"Part of me wants those answers but another doesn't. I feel oddly content with what's happened and that it's over. And for some reason, more fulfilled regarding us. Like whatever our relationship was missing, it's no longer as much of an issue."
"I know. It's like we were waiting for a big adventure only to realize we don't need it. We could still add small adventures to our lives though."
Becoming excited, Sam suggested, "Like skydiving and venturing into a volcano."
"That sounds awesome." Alex high-fived Sam.

At the other end of the platform,
Gwen said, "Peter, if you want to help, you can give us a boost before we make the portal."
Peter agreed and walked over to Gwen and Rose.
"Do you think that we need their help?" Rose asked Gwen referring to the offer from the people in robes for the time portal. She didn't truly care about Gwen's answer nor whether or not the people helped them. She hoped that speaking to Gwen would remind her why the tension had grown between them.
"I think we can do it on our own." Gwen enjoyed the idea of having control of her ability to create both dimensional and temporal doorways.
The leader replied, "As capable as you might be to return, it's best to be precise. To return to your time as soon as possible after you left it to prevent any significant natural re-balancing of your reality."
Rose said, "That sounds hard."
Gwen agreed, "Yeah."
Gwen and Rose accepted the help from the other people. While Peter continued to work, Liz stood quietly hoping that nothing would go wrong before arriving in their time. She looked over the mountainside joining Alex and Sam to distract herself. There was no longer a large fire in the distance, and a continuous region of trees, open land and the ocean appeared calm and safe. There also weren't any large reptiles or birds flying above them catching large weapons. Instead, the animals happily glided in the yellow sky. When Peter finished the energy boost for the two of them, Gwen and Rose made a pink oval pathway through which the group of six passed looking forward to being back in their time.

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