Chapter 8

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Iruka was not sure whether or not he regretted allowing the ANBU to help him. Not that they didn't try their best. But that they were constantly showing up at the worst times. Imagine it becoming normal to get pushed into an ally, and then told how to prepare a sandwich.

"You realize I work with kids right?"

"Yes but maybe you don't know how to make Narutos." Toad mumbled.

"PBJ, no crust, triangles." Iruka had learned it through trial and error, but he was not going to tell Toad that. "Anyway, where is Raven?"

"He had family commitments."

"Ah." Iruka tended to forget that ANBU had a life of their own. They always seemed so secretive, and the possibility that Iruka already knew them was kinda strange. "I need to go now, got groceries to cook."

"Of course!" Toad disappeared into the darkness. Iruka sighed, he was not sure he would ever get used to that. He made his way back to the house, Naruto was waiting at the door, just sitting there, with a wide eyed smile. Iruka was sure that if naruto had a tail it would be wagging. He had been attention starved most of his life, it was almost exempted for him to act like this. Iruka had been doing his best to give him all the attention he deserved. But it was hard being a teacher, so much he had to do, and he felt bad having to make Naruto wait alone at home because he had a meeting after school.

"What you bring?" Naruto asked, he had finally begun to open up to Iruka, which had made him so happy. Iruka was still hesitant however.

"Dinner, chicken parm."

"YAY!!!" Naruto tended to get excited over any food that was not vegetables. Little did he know there would be spinach. "Wait, why are there green leaves in the bag?" Dang.

The night continued to be uneventful. They ate, Naruto played with the frog plush, then Iruka put him to bed. He then made his way to his bedroom, which had become his new office. Plenty of papers to grade. The sun was completely gone now, and the moon was high in the sky. Iruka wanted to sleep, but he had to finish this before-Knock, knock. Iruka turned to see two very excited ANBU waiting on his balcony.

"Hello." Iruka answered as he opened the door. He had begun to expect this, it had been over 2 months since they had started. Iruka was curious to see what the next big thing was.

"So we know the holidays are coming up." Toad started.

"And we thought we could help Santa out." Raven finished. Iruka nodded, Christmas was in about a month, so figuring out gifts now would be a good idea.

"Is the other ANBU helping with this one?" The two ANBU stayed silent, Iruka rubbed his forehead. They had later promised they would let "Dog" know about the agreement, if he didn't already know, he would know soon. "You said he cares about Naruto most right? Shouldn't he be aware?" Even though Iruka knew that "Dog" didn't particularly like him, he still wanted to find as many people who cared about Naruto.

"Raven and I just not have had the time." Toad muttered.

"We don't want Dog to ruin this by being stupid." Raven stated plainly.

"Raven really! Yes that but, its because, well the whole Naruto living with you...well see.."

"He doesn't like me."

"And never will." The ANBU with the Silver hair stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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