Chapter 2: First Day

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Waking up to your alarm beeping wasn't a pleasant noise, in fact jaemin hated alarms. But his parents insisted the boy got an alarm considering he never got up for school and was always late. It was twenty two times! Jaemin shouted in his mind, it wasn't really that bad. After being late multiple times his mother suggested he got an alarm but his father was the one who went out and bought it, he didn't like receiving calls from his son's school about him being late. After turning his alarm off, he got up and decided to get ready.

Being nervous was an understatement, the boy was terrified. As soon as he got to school campus he was amazed. The school was really big, bigger than his old school for sure. Looking around he thought it'd be best to go and look for the main office considering he needed to get his schedule. Walking down the long corridor, he watched as many students would stop and stare at him and whisper to their friends or just stare at him. Deciding he had enough of being gawked at practically he went to the nearest person and asked for directions to the main office. The boy which if he remembered correctly his name was Chris? No was it Christian? That didn't sound right he thought. "Hey Christopher!!" A brunette boy called out. "Don't call me that!, you know I hate being called by that." The blonde who gave him directions to the office spoke. "Alright chan-hyung" the brunette spoke. Ah so his name was chan, it made sense. Later he learned the brunette's name was Changbin.

Finally arriving at the main office, he walked to the receptionist. "Uh Hello, my name is Na Jaemin. I'm a new student" he spoke to the lady in front of him. "Ah yes!! Give me a second, I'm finishing up your classes as we speak. So I've decided after taking a look at your transfer papers, I wrote your name down for some tutoring classes for Math. All your other classes are doing very well but your math, you need help. So after school go to the library and tell Mr. Jeon I sent you. He'll assign you a tutor. Oh an by the way I'm Lisa Manobal, but you can call me Mrs. Manobal" she spoke. "Okay" jaemin replied. "Oh you'll probably need help getting to your class, Mark!! Help our new student Jaemin to his class will you?" She spoke to the Blonde boy who was staring at him as soon as he walked in. Smiling jaemin hoped mark would become one of his friends.

"Yeah, so Jaemin??" Mark spoke a little lost. Yeah, he watched jaemin the entire time he got here. But he wasn't paying attention to anything they were talking about. He was just staring at jaemin, he was beautiful. Really beautiful, his hair suited him very well, his eyes were almost enchanting to him, his smile. God he wondered what those lips would feel like around his Di- "MARK?" Jaemin shouted. He was waiting for this mark guy to help him to his first hour but he just stood there staring at him. "yeah? Oh I'll take you to your first hour now" mark spoke with a noticeable blush. If haechan found out, he was thinking that way about another guy. He'd be buried alive. Pushing that thought aside he walked jaemin to his 1st hour which was Chemistry with Mr. Choi, knocking on the door he walked in "Hey, Mr. Choi" he spoke. "Ahh Mark, what brings you to my class? You'd run every time I was even in a five step radius" Mr. Choi joked. "You have a new student, his name is Na Jaemin" mark replied smiling. Jaemin its nice to meet you, you can take a seat anywhere I'm not to strict about seating arrangements" Mr. Choi spoke. "Okay.." he looked around, everyone was staring at him. The girl's were all smiling and giggling at him. The boys glared at him, some winked. "So Jaemin, I'll leave you here. I'll see you around" Mark smiled walking out.

"Bye" he replied to mark. Walking around he decided to sit by the quiet boy in the back. The girls pouted, they wanted him to sit by them. "Hi, My name is Jaemin" he greeted his new seat mate. "Hi, I'm Yechan" the bright red head replied. "Okay, listen up. We'll be doing an assignment on chemical reactions. That's right, you'll be experimenting with Chemicals and writing down the reactions. I want very detailed reports, leave nothing out. Write even the smallest reactions. It'll be due in a week. With that your seat mates are your partners. This is an in school and out of school project. You are required to have 5 Chemical reactions. You can all start researching your chemicals now. Oh and Jaemin, assuming your straight A's from your transfer script you'll be okay joining?" Mr. Choi smiled. "Yes, I'll be okay" Jaemin replied.
Once the other students heard jaemin had straight A's they wanted to get close to him, he was hot and smart? Two in one is a good deal they thought.

"So what chemical reaction would you want to do?" Yechan was the first to speak. "Hmm I was thinking we could make a chemical lamp for our first day. Does it sound good?" Jaemin spoke. "Chemical lamp?? That's a reaction right? What's the reaction?" Yechan questioned. "So we'll need a transparent bottle, water, sunflower oil, aspirin, and if you want we could add some food coloring? I was thinking green?. Oh and also you'll need a flashlight. So we'll mix the sunflower oil and water, inside of the bottle, then we'll pour the food coloring inside the emulsion and add aspirin. Colored flakes will rise to the surface of the emulsion without mixing with the sunflower oil and once you shine a light thru the bottle it'll glow a mesmerizing green color. Of course you'd have to shine the light through the bottle in the dark. But I think it would be a cool chemical reaction" Jaemin replied smiling. He hoped Yechan liked the idea. "That sounds fun, we could do that. Should we go and get the supplies after school? I mean if you don't want to I can go and grab them and we could just meet up and do it and one of our houses if you'd like" Yechan spoke. "Hmm yeah? We can stop by the store and do it at my house? My parents shouldn't be home. They have work" he replied.

After discussing what reaction they would do today, the bell rang signally first hour had ended. "What class do you have next?" Yechan asked. Looking at his schedule he replied with "oh I have history with Ms. Song". "I wish you luck, she's a history monster" Yechan scowled remembering when he was in her class once. "Can I have your number? You know so we could message each other about the project and to also know where we'd meet at after school?" Jaemin asked Yechan. "Sure it's ***-***-**" Yechan said. "I'll see you then" jaemin said waving and walking off. He walked down another corridor assuming it was the history hall. Looking around he finally spotted the infamous History Monster A.K.A Ms. Song.

That's it for this chapter:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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