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~ L I L A ~

Looking around the school, I watch as students slowly put-up decorations as Halloween was approaching in two weeks. It had been a month and a half month since my conversation with my parents and things had slowly but surely changed. Mom and Dad had expanded a budget so they could have someone else travel for them, and they have been working from home, even more so helping out with the town. Mom had even started renovation for a new idea she had where adults could read and drink alcohol, sort of like a drinking library.

   "Can you believe it? Halloweens so close and we still haven't come up with a group costume," Rachel sighs looking over her shoulder at me. "We'll we kind of have done everything," I point out. "That can't be possible," Audrey shakes her head, her earrings dangling back and forth from the newly pierced holes. Gosh I wish I could have been there when she came home with those, the look on her parent's face must have been amazing.

  "Let's see, last year we went as the power rangers," I remember back tot he year before. "The year before that we were minions while Ryan was Gru," Rachel states, smirking at Ryan who sighed at the memory. "The year before that one was an attempt at sushi then before that was teenage mutant ninja turtles and then before that was wizards of oz," Ryan frowns. "Oompa Loompas, winnie the pooh, scooby doo, the flinstones," I began to list the rest of our costumes. "Oh my god we have done everything," Aubrey groaned. The girl drops her head on the table, wincing in pain as she does so.

   The bell rings indicating that lunch was over, giving a sigh, I stand up. Ryan hands me my books as I send him a small smile before we walk towards our algebra class. "Maybe we go simple this year," I suggest with a shrug. I mean we never really go simple in our outfits but we didn't have a costume idea. I send Ryan a small wave as I make my way to my seat, where Edward and Jasper were already sat. The two looked it be in a conversation but I could barely see their lips moving. Edward looks up at me as I reach them. I suspiciously eye them before taking my seat.

   "Hello class, I'm Mrs. Summers, I'll be your substitute for the remainder of the year," the woman in front says. A frown fills my face as I watch Jackson raise his hand. "Yes?" the substitute calls on him. "What happened to Mr. Harold?" Jackson asks as we had just seen the man yesterday. "He had a family emergency and won't be able to come back till next year," Mrs. Summers cleared her throat. "For now, until while I learn how far along you guys were, i'm going to be playing 'Hidden Figures', it's still a very educational movie and I'll be passing around a paper for you to put notes on it," Mrs. Summer says as she grabbed a stack of papers from her desk. She quickly hands hands them out as I sigh. As much as Mr. Harold was annoying, he was a great teacher and now we were meant to deal with a new teacher.

    As the movie begins, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head, I raise my eyebrows at Jasper. "I had a question for you," the boy stated as I slowly nodded my head to urge him to continue. "My family is having a game night, we were wondering if you would like to join?" Jasper offered. I stare at him in shock? I mean yes I had become friends with everyone in his family besides Rosalie but to want to invite me to a game night. I notice he was staring at me waiting as I cleared my throat. "Sure, it's sounds fun," I smile at the boy before turning my attention back to the movie. I ignore the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, excusing it as my nerves.
WC: 690
Heyyy bestiesss, how have you been?
Anyways we finally get to see Lila meet Carlisle and Esme!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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