Chapter twenty

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Her warm hands roam my naked body while mine find the bottom of her dress and pull it off her leaving her exposed. She giggled at the sight of my lust-filled eyes. I wasted no time sliding her legs out of her black panties and matching bra. "Fiona you are beautiful," I say taking her in.

She rolls her eyes and pushes me down onto the bed. She kisses hungrily at my neck sucking and enjoying the taste of my skin. I quickly flip us putting me on top of her. I took her breasts and played with them until I couldn't fight the urge.

I placed my head between her legs. Making her moan and arch her back. "Shit" she moans underneath my touch. I find her clit and she comes undone all over me.

This goes on for a few hours until we are both panting as we lay side by side naked in her bed. She rolls over onto her side and I follow her lead. "That was... amazing Carmen. No one's made me feel that way- well actually ever." She said playing with the ends of my hair.

A smile creeps across my face. "I'm glad I could be of service," I say cocky and she rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry for making you cancel your plans" she shakes her head. "You didn't make me do anything. I chose to on my own" I nod.

She pulls the covers back taking a good look at my bare body "And honestly? I'm glad I did" I chuckle and she places a soft kiss on my lips. "I guess I better find a ride home then," I say looking at the time. "Don't bother. I dragged you here I can take you home"

She got out of bed revealing her naked and perfect body. She slid on some shorts and a t-shirt and I put my clothes back on. She cups my face with her hands and kisses me again "I had fun Carmen, and I mean it" I smile "Me too"

I follow her out to her car as we headed back home. "I haven't slept here in over a week" I admit as we are driving. "Oh," She says glancing over to me for a second. "Where have you been staying?" I look out at the dark sky "Mainly Alice's house. Once or twice at Wesley's but Emmy didn't like that" she nods.

"Well, for future reference... my house is an offer" I look back at her seeing that she is deadass. "Thank you, Ms- I- Fiona," I say blushing.

"You call me Fiona when I don't want you to" she teases. "Well I had this dream about you and you had asked me to call you that... so I guess it slipped" She peels her eyes away from the road at the red light and her eyebrows go up from curiosity.

"No," I say and she smiles "What was this dream about?" She pushes "no" The light turns green and she drives again "Oh come on Car! Just tell me" I smile at the new use of my nickname. "Fine" I can't help but fold...

"Emmy and I went on a date, the day we saw you and your brother. We made out and then I went home and two nights later had a sex dream about you and had to avoid you the following morning but Emmy couldn't play Juliet and you did and that's why I tried to avoid you playing her"

Her lips come into a smirk "Oh, my, gosh. That's funny and sexy all in one" I roll my eyes with a smile across my face. "Yeah yeah," she laughs and places her hand on my thigh. "I think that's adorable overall though" Her comment makes my eyes roll again.

"If you keep doing that they will get stuck like that" she teases "They only do this when you're around" I heard it the second I said it, but I'm just going to pretend I meant for it to sound that way.

We eventually reach my house and she pulls out front knowing my siblings can't see her from the window due to the darkness. "I'll see you tomorrow," I say after placing a soft kiss on her cheek. She smiles and I walk back into my house. My house that's not home... just a place I sleep.

"Where did you go?" Halley asked annoyed. "I needed some time to cool off," I say brushing past her "I thought you were home for good," she says following me to the kitchen. "I am. I just needed some space jeez" I grab a cold water from the fridge and take a drink.

"I'm sorry Carmen. I just worry about you" I cut her a look "You don't need to worry about me, I got myself" she sighs and I walk into the living room. The front door opens and in comes my 'father'.

At one point this man was my dad, he taught me how to care for myself. He taught me things about cars, and how to throw (and catch) a ball. He was there to take me to my first scary movie, he was there when I got my driver's license. He was there when mom had first gotten cancer.

But one day he stopped coming around and somewhere in those days he stopped being the father figure we all needed.

"I'm sorry," he says coming in. I rudely roll my eyes. "Did you make the transaction yet?" Halley asks coming up to him. He nods his head and she pulls him into a hug. "Oh yeah, Halley's moving out and Dad is buying the house for her birthday," Josh says coming up behind me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" They both look at me like I'm insane. All this drama and arguments are getting out of hand, I know it's my fault but my family could do better. They are better than this and I know they are.

"So dad gets to do who knows what for weeks on end and buy Halley a house. While I need to start figuring out my life and Josh a minor may I add has to sit here alone?!?" My dad just stares at me blankly. "I've been doing nothing but taking care of your damn kids! You missed my birthday! Im graduating in a month and. A half and I bet you won't be there either!" I yell frustrated.

I brush my hands threw my hair "I'm done. I'm honestly done."  I walk out the front door and hit the call button biting at my nail. "Calling for more?" Her flirtatious tone fills my ears.

"This is a lot to ask and honestly you can say no and I'll understand but can Josh and I come to stay with you? Even if it's just for one night." She doesn't hesitate "Yes. I'm turning around right now. Come out when you are ready" She hangs up before I can say another word.

"Pack a bag, Josh, we are staying elsewhere," I say walking down the hall and him following "You're leaving again?" Halley asks annoyed. "Why would I stay here? No one here gives a shit about another but themselves. I thought we were a family" I shut my door in her face and locked it.

I pack a bag and that's when I get a text from Fiona saying she's outside waiting. Josh and I walk out with our bags and Halley stops us on the porch "Some sister you are you know that Carmen" I shake my head. "Whatever Halley" she scuffs. "Good luck getting to and from school"

I roll my eyes "In case you're forgetting I also have my license" I pull my arm away from her and Josh and I start walking to the car I stop and turn towards my dad and sister. I look them up and down... thinking about how much they've all changed in just a matter of a year.

"Mom would be so disappointed..." I turned back around and got into Fiona's car and she drove off "Uh, Ms.Finch?" Josh questions. I turn and face him "Yes, Ms. Finch. She-" Before I could make up anything she cuts me off.

"Me and your sister have been sleeping together." She admits. "I really care for her and you. You guys and stay at my house as long as needed as long as you promise not to tell anyone about any of it okay Josh?" He nods fully accepting everything. "So that's why a few months ago you were moaning her name in your sleep"

I snapped my head back and looked at him and he smiled "That's why we woke you up" I turned to face the front and placed my hands over my face. I didn't even have to look at Fiona to know the grin that appeared on her face.

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