Chapter 10

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Sam was silent for a moment, probably trying to understand what Alana was implying.

"How far are we talking?" she finally asked carefully.

Alana sighed and kicked at some rubble on the sidewalk.

"Like... far. Are there any medical concerns for someone who's been separated from the rest of Slugterra their whole life? Let's say he's been around other people before, but the whole... town? Was just separated from everyone else."

"Well, whoever he is, I'd be concerned, yes," Sam replied. Alana could hear mecha engines revving on Sam's end. "Has he ever been to a doctor? What if he's got some weird immune system condition? Or what if he's carrying something?"

"Well, I already hit him with Mage, so sickness wise we should be fine, at least for anything contagious he'd have," Alana explained. "But I guess you should still check on him?"

"How is he, is he acting fine?"

"He's unconscious. The whole time he's been here. I haven't actually talked to him," Alana admitted. "He's just laying on a couch in the King of Sling's place."

"Ooookay. Well, I guess call me if he wakes up, but in the meantime, if he hasn't started seizing or anything, I'd say he's fine for now. Where is he from, anyway?"

"Far away."

"Yeah, you said, but where? Gateway's far away enough as it is, has he just been camping out in the desert his whole life? How do you know where he's from if he's unconscious?"

"I just do," Alana replied, running a hand down her face. "Look, I promise I'll fill you in when you get here, but this isn't a conversation I wanna have over a call. Just call me when you guys are close, okay?"

A moment of silence. If Alana knew anything about Sam, the young woman was probably debating whether or not she wanted to argue. Luckily, she chose to let it slide for now.

"Okay, fine, I will. Let me know if anything changes."

"I will," Alana promised before taking out the earpiece. She clipped it back to her belt and absently stared out at the disheveled street.

What were they going to do with the Eastern man? She couldn't help but imagine him like Eli, a beloved person who was now far from home. Or like herself, alone and confused having just escaped a world set aflame. And now that Eli was free from the Goon, he was acting like normal, but who knew what 'normal' was for the stranger?

She really hoped it wasn't the version of him she'd already seen, both just yesterday and ten years ago in the Western realm.

Alana sighed and pushed off against the building she was leaning against, squaring her shoulders. One thing at a time. The man was still unconscious, and there was plenty to do in Gateway in the meantime.

She headed back over to Pronto, who was directing Kord to carry the person with the broken leg back to their home, their father following behind disdainfully. Alana kept her gaze away from the three when she passed them, not eager to give the man an excuse to start up another "conversation."

"How'd that go?" she asked Pronto, laughing when the molenoid scowled and rolled his eyes.

"Some people do not give Pronto the respect he deserves," he grumbled. "So rude and impatient! But the person is fine."

"That's good to hear," Alana sighed. "Sorry you had to deal with him. Were other people like that?"

"Some," Pronto admitted. "They seem particularly upset at the fact that Eli was behind the attack. Speaking of...?"

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