How you met!!!!

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You were at his concert and when he saw you in the croud he pulled you up on stage.
"Ok everybody we are gonna pull a special person from the croud ." Starstruck yelled in the mic.
Then he pointed to you.
"Uhhhh hi."you manage to say in shock.
"Hi you look just so beutiful tonight
and i had to show you to the croud."He wispers in your ear.
"Gee thnx im flatterd "You say while blushing.
"What's your name?"
"Wow what a beutiful name you probably already know me but im starstruck"
Then you 2 walk out of the concert and you both knew you were in love with eachother.You 2 spent every minute together.You hung out every day and told eachother your interests.He finnaly drove you home one day and you were sitting in your driveway.
"Sooooo, I geuss this means goodbye."He said
"Yeah i geuss it does."You replied almost about to cry because after this he was going to New York for a three month tour.
Then Starstruck kisses you out of no where you were shocked you couldn't move you never thought a famous guy like him would ever like you but you knew he was the one.
"Oh im so sorry i..."
You kissed him again blocking him from finishing. You 2 ended up making out.For about a half an hour when you here your mom yell.
"Y/N... Get in the house NOWW!!!"
It caught you off gaurd.So you gave him your cell phone number and ran in the house.You were almost crying because you didn't want it to end.
The next day:Ring Ring Ring
"Hello."You managed to say half asleep
"HI beutiful. "You heard his voice through the phone.
"Uhhhh omg omg you called like you promised."You say jumping up and down on your bed.
"Well of corse i always keep my promise. "He said "Well i was wondering if you would want to go on tour with me and my band."
"Well of corse i doo."you yell through the phone and pack your bags and left a note on the table to tell your parents you wont be back in 3 months.After you bolted our the door and see Starstruck, Kipz, and Shotgun all waiting for you,you were so excited. Starstruck smiles and gives you a great big hug.
"Sooo i see you were happy to be coming ." Kipz says you could'nt beleive how hot his voice was but you set that aside.
"Ok well cmon Y/N" Starstruck says
leading you onto the tour bus.
It was sooooo hot on the bus and you couldn't believe the tempature.You look over to Starstruck when he starts to take his shirt off.Your jaw drops to the floor.When you hear "Y/N pick up your jaw."He says while laughing.
You blush
"Oh oh im sorry."
Shotgun starts to laugh and also take his shirt of because of it being so hot. Oh my god you thought to yourself while Kipz also takes his shirt off. Holly crap im in a bus full of hot guys what am i doing here oh oh yeah
Starstruck invited me.You were so clueless.
"Oh Y/N we invited your friend
Warrda to come to the tour with us well she is your bestfriend right?"
"Right she is and this is going to be s0000 much fun."
"Ok here we are at F/N's House." Shotgun says to you.
Then you see F/N running out the door and giving you a great big hug.
"Thank you sooooo much you guys i was gonna have to stay at home bored out of my mind and i'd have to baby sit my little brother."
"Oh it's our plessure." Kips say to F/N with a wink.
You thought to urself uhhh she's gonna steal him.But you knew that you already had Starstruck.
"Soooo F/N you wanna come with me to the store we need food ." Kipz said
"Oh sure that sounds good let's just leave Y/N and Starstruck alone for awhile." F/N said winking to you
"Sweet." Starstruck says then you punch him in the arm playfully
F/N and Kipz leave you 2 alone and you 2 start to talk alot.
"Soooo Y/N we're all alone what do you want to do i hope THEY DONT COME BACK FOR ANOTHER 3
LOCKED OUT."Starstruck yells so we can here it.
"SOUNDS GOOD." Kipz yells back
"Alright you say how about rock band?"
"Your on!" Starstruck says while jumping up to set it up.
You 2 end up playing for an hour until you guys got bored and quit instead you two end up going in the backroom to put it away and you deside to grab a movie (The grudge 3)
You wanted a scary movie so you can cuddle with Starstruck.Then you two started the movie when you 2 start to make out he licked your bottom lip and you gladly let him in all you felt was his toung brows around your mouth but it felt sooooo good. Then you see the door fly open it was F/N and Kipz.We started to laugh.You two stoped and looked over at us we were still laughing.
"Wow Star you forgot to lock the door." Kipz said still laughing
"Hahahahaha oh my gosh Y/N, you
were making out with Starstruck hahaha." F/N said, laughing even harder
You look over to Starstruck and smile he smiles back.
"Ok guys enough alright
ENOUGH!" Starstruck yells
We stop laughing and look over to him with wide eyes and slowly walk out the door.
"Well that takes care of them now where were we?"You say
"Wait." Starstruck says walking to the door then locks it.
"Good idea!" you say giving him a cute smile
You two started to make out again when his alarm clock went off
"Oh shit" he says
"Oh what's wrong."You say
"We gotta go NOW!!!" He yells you were kinda scared.He walks over to the door and calls everyone back on the bus and we all go back on the bus.
We were on the road for another 5 hours when we finnaly made it to the first concert. It was a blast they called both of us to the stage.
The whole tour was finnaly over and you had just found out that F/N and Kipz were dating kinda obvious.But
Starstruck asked you to marry him you said yes and got married in Hawaii :P
You have a baby boy named Gerard Ray Armstrong Ellison.Congrats:P

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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