Wild things can happen

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It was midnight and everyone was sleeping, not me of course. But by some of their faces, the passed out. But I had to wake up. I needed to continue the quest for Riju. So I found the light source thing and did that. And then I told Riju. By now it was about morning and the group would be waking up shortly, but they can't help me here. So me and Riju headed into the lightning temple.

About a 5 hours later, maybe more we finally made it to the boss. But after using up many fairy's, eating almost all my food, using all my elixirs. We defeated the boss! I headed back to gerudo town(A/N not spoiling that much for people who haven't played) it's Riju, And finished everything I needed to do. So I started walking back from gerudo town hiding all my injuries the moment I stepped foot on Kara Kara Bazzar.

Shit...Times going to kill me, Hell everyone will! I thought half regretting my choices. I checked my Purah pad to see how long I have been gone, shoot, 2 days! Well I'm in for a treat... I finally approached the pond and saw everyone there. But lucky for me they also saw me and came running over.

"Wild where we're you!?" Warriors and Time yelled at the same time.

"I was-" I started before getting rudely interrupted by Legend.

"You can't just run off in the middle of the night and not come back for 2 almost 3 days!"

"I was doing my quest." I said walking off into the inn.

"Hey you can't just do this by yourself! We are here for a reason!" Four yelled following after Wild.

"I know! It's just, I don't think Time would be very appreciative to see the Gerudo." I said, Time looked at me.

"Hold up the Gerudo?! How are they not arresting you!" Time said.

"And we are heading over to Zara's domain, Sidons probably worried I haven't gone over to the domain in months.." I said starting to walk in that general direction.(out of the desert)

2 hours later

We finally made it to the small stable and I got out 8 horses.
"Alright someone has to ride with someone else, I don't have 9 horses." I said getting on my horse Cherry. She's a black horse with red eyes, reminds me of one.(A/N it is actually my in game horse)

"I can ride with wind?" Four said, " we are the smallest" we all nodded our heads in agreement as they all go on their horses i quickly headed over to the Hinox to defeat it, but it was already dead as there hadn't yet been a blood moon.

We made it to outskirt stable with about an hour left on daylight and I started on dinner.

"Hey, uh Wild?"Hyrule said. I hummed showing I was listening, "do you think we could talk in private after we eat?"

"Uh, I mean sure also dinners ready can you tell the others?" I asked already dividing the soup into bowls.

"Alright" he said walking off to tell them

After everyone ate they went in to sleep and Hyrule pulled me over.

"Hey Wild, while you were cooking, and even on the horses you kept wincing are you alright?"A look of concern came from the groups medic before he continued, "Did something happen when you ran off?"

"Erm, well..yes, but I'm fine." I said with a reassuring tone, but failed when I winced seconds after.

"Alright, show me." I showed him all the injuries not wanting to upset or anger the medic. "Geez! Wild you can't leave injuries like this untreated you should have told us!" He said grabbing his bandages and red potions and bandaging the wounds.

After he was done we went in to inn part of the stable and went to sleep.

In the morning we took out the horses ate breakfast and headed toward Zoras domain.

(Sorry it got lazy as I wrote this at 2 or 3 in the morning (i forgot) because I had to get it out. So I might come back and edit this chapter another day.If you have an idea for what can happen please do say! I hope you have a good day! There are exactly 730 words!)

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